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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Random issues


For the past week we have mostly been living off bread and potatoes. Not the best way to start a New Year diet I have to agree but I haven't really had any money for food shopping since I finished off all the food from the Christmas hamper. Also I decided that as I didn't have the money to fill the freezer, I should take the opportunity to defrost it and give it a really good clean out.

Last night I got out me marigolds and gave the whole of the fridge freezer a bloody good scrub down. Every nook and cranny - nothing was untouched. At the end of it I felt a great feeling of accomplishment as the whole thing looked brand new. Today I went to Iceland and blasted my budget to fill it all up again. You could tell the difference as I spent £10 more than usual and there was still gaps and I could easily have got a few more things in. Where as it used to be a case of putting some things in the fridge and having to use them up as soon as possible.

Sacrifices and Compromise.

An update on the England ticket situation - Unfortunately we won't be going after all as I have had my holiday confirmation through today and I am going to have to use the money I put aside for the footie to pay the balance of the holiday. I don't mind though. I think DD is a bit disappointed as she and her friend were looking forward to it but she will appreciate the holiday more and there will be other games I am sure.

My life back please!

So Celebrity Big Brother is over and Shilpa has won SURPRISE SURPRISE! I am sorry for the cynical postings from the other night where I just copied from news pages but I couldn't be bothered to write my own feelings.
I really liked Shilpa at the beginning and I don't even dislike her now but I have to say that Ch4 really went way over the line when they brought in the Goody's. It was a stupid Idea from the start. The group had started to form a great bond and bringing in Jade just spoilt the whole spirit of the thing.
OK so they maybe could have brought her in for 1 night but no I am sorry but my whole experience was ruined. The day they brought Jade in they may as well have ended the game then and given the crown to Shilpa as it was more or less fixed from then on.

On the night, Shilpa gave it all this "I want to move on" and "Its all a furor over nothing" but I see in the papers today that she has changed her tune. Just as Jade did between coming out and her big interview.
I am just so glad to get my life back now. I am going to start tomorrow with a massive Who marathon watching the Box set that I had for Christmas. Then it's Nanny McPhee and my XBox. really looking forward to getting back to my Urbz game!

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