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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Day 2 was a bit better

My second and last day at my new job was a bit better in that there were a few jobs needing doing which I could just take on and work at my own pace. A lot of it was moving furniture around but I didn't mind as at least I was earning my money.

I even took time out and had an actual lunch break. I was going to nip to ASDA but thought it would probably be better to go after I finish so I had more time to browse.

At around 3 the supervisor said that I could ring up the agency and get them to fax over the Timesheets then once we had completed them I could go. It took a couple of calls to get the timesheet, but once it was completed I left there for the last about 4.15pm to go wander round ASDA.

I am seriously going to re-think this agency thing.

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