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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fires of Pompeii

I guess I have to make a blog post about Doctor Who.
We were back on the streets of Pompeii the day before the mighty Vesuvius erupts.

I wasn't a fan of the writing in this episode. Peter Capaldi made a guest appearance as Caecillius.
The head of a regular pompeii family that was like some ridiculous sit-com family. Methinks the writer had been watching the 70s show "Up Pompeii" to research for this episode.

Unfortunately I wasn't endeared any more to the character of Donna. All her screaming and whining for the doctor to do something to save Pompeii.

If it had been Rose, she would just have just enjoyed being there and seeing the history unfold and working as real partners in crime with the Doctor. Donna is never going to be a real team player she is forever fighting against the doctor. I did like the purple dress she was changed into though.

If you saw "I'd do anything" episode that ran after it, It was very similar to the dress which Ashley was wearing freaky as she is the ginger one...

It was a great little twist at the end though where it turned out that the doctor was in the end, the cause of the eruption of the Volcano.

Loved the monsters (Pirovile).

Loved the great idea for the soothsaying sisters that they connect by these weird eyes on their hands

and the scene at the end was quite sweet with the family on the hill watching as Pompeii burned.

Oh and The Doctor and his pistol...Priceless

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