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Friday, June 06, 2008

Friends, Big Brother and Ewan McGregor

I was really looking forward to Thursday. Me old pal Brian was coming over from Notts for a couple of days to hang out.

I did 2 days of mad cleaning and went into town at 10am Thursday morning to go meet him off of the bus. It was very hot so I suggested we go for a drink (Only a soft one as it was way too early for alcohol). We strolled round to McDonalds and I ordered a large Coke zero. It wasn't very nice and had no ice in it so I was kind of wishing I hadn't. Bri ordered a Choc milkshake which I would probably had been better with if it wasn't for the fact I don't like Milkshakes.

We walked up to Sainsbury's to do a spot of shopping and I had to get some bits from Farmfoods before walking back to my house.

Brian had wanted to watch the show Tinman on the Sci Fi channel but he doesn't have it on Freeview so I Skyplussed it for him and he was looking forward to watching it so I made us a drink and we sat down to watch. However by the first ad break Brian said it wasn't what he thought it was and he didn't want to see any more of it. So I turned it off and instead we started getting stuck into The Long way round.

I didn't really think it would be Brian's thing but he really enjoyed it. I think he got addicted to it just like me and we watched episode after episode.

I made a very nice healthy lunch of Prawn salad and cheese topped rolls. It was delicious and I was so proud of myself for doing something nice. It is a shame I couldn't say the same for the evening meal...

Back in the day when Brian and I shared a little flat in Ilkeston, We used to attempt to be grown ups and invite our friends round for dinner. I always used to cook chicken - usually in a red wine sauce with sweetcorn. Consequently we were named the Chicken gang.
So I decided to do us a nice chicken casserole. I think I should have cooked it for about an hour longer though and I apologise greatly Bri if I gave you food poisoning :(

The great event of the 2 days happened at 9pm - The night Brian has been waiting for - The launch night for the new series for Big Brother. I don't really do BB anymore but as a special treat so that Brian didn't miss it, I watched this weeks episode of Heroes last week.

We got loads of snacks to nibble at. I bought a giant bag of Popcorn and Bri bought kettle chips, nuts and sweets for the kids. We also had donuts that were BOGOF at Sainsbury's.

Big Brother was the usual load of tosspots. No actually I am doing them a disservice. There are a couple of possible real winners in there. I will do a separate post about the trials and tribulations of the BB housemates. It is interesting to see how the crowd reacted to each new contestant after their VT. Some of them got the usual booing but some of them received a good reception and we will have to see if they are deserving of that.

We sat and watched all the BB shows including The Friday night project special and Big Mouth. Then we watched some of the live feed intil Brian was falling asleep in the chair.
The plan was that he would sleep in my bed and I would sleep on the sofa.
I wish I hadn't because I was kept awake most of the night by Pica meeowing his head off. He is really starting to annoy me at nights. Why did he choose that one night to not want to go out for the night??!

Friday morning I still had to be up at 7am to get DS up for school. After he left I lay back down on the sofa for a couple of hours.

When Brian got up about 10ish we put the Long way round back on so that Brian could finish watching it. By 1pm we still hadn't finished and Brian decided to take the DVD home with him.

We walked into town and went to Burger King for Lunch. I had a load of vouchers left so we had BOGOF Angus burgers.
Before you know it Brian was on the bus back to Notts and I was doing more shopping (Not fun shopping mind you)

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Two days of house cleaning!!! Just for me???