You don't really expect to have the windows open on Christmas day.
Xmas Eve was lovely as my sisters came over for drinks and nibbles. My Nan was here for the week so it was a chance for us to all be together as a family before Christmas. They all came over around 3ish and we started off with Christmas music on the TV and then pretty soon brought out the Singstar.
Bret's friend even came over for a bit but my Dear Nephew wasn't happy when Bret wanted to go over to his friend's house. He didn't stay long though and was back before 7pm.
The evening got into full swing.I had a whole evening planned but I wasn't prepared for the fact that my family were in for the duration. We were going to order Pizza and watch a couple of Christmas movies (Fred Claus & Four Christmases) It was getting on for 9.00pm and I was starving so I had to tactically ask if my family were planning on leaving soon. So they reluctantly ordered their taxis and I ordered my food.
We had Microwaved popcorn and chocolate as we watched these 2 excellent Christmas films. It was almost 1.30am by the time we had finished and I got to bed around 4aqm by the time I had done with wrapping presents and sorting Stockings. Of course I was sleeping on the sofa as I had to give up my bed to my Nan so I didn't have to go very far...
I woke around 7.30am Christmas morning. I couldn't get back to sleep and had no idea what I was going to do for 2 hours as we had said no one allowed up before 9.30am As it was we were all awake by 9 so thank god for that!
As always coffee brewed and heating on before we sit down to open the pressies. I think the kids were very happy with their rather Guitar orientated gifts. Guitar Hero World tour for Bret with the Drums and mics. A real electric guitar and amp for Bill. Just as they requested.
I was surprised at all my lovely gifts. I had a pile of DVDs from Ange that I had asked for including Mamma Mia which I couldn't wait to see again. I also got the DVD of Cry Baby from Debz with a gorgeous Bath set (Literally an actual bath). Bret bought me the DVD of Charley Boorman's latest adventure "By any means" Bill got me the Take That 2009 calendar and a lovely box set from Lush. My dear friend Brian bought me the David Tennant calendar for 2009...I wonder how he thought I would like that *chuckle*
Whilst I cooked the breakfast - Bacon, Egg, Sausage, mushrooms, Croissants and juice - Bret got out the Guitar hero and they were playing that. He loked very comfortable playing the drums but he can forget aout that for a future present LOLThe rest of Christmas was standard really. We ate and drunk satisfactorily. The 3 bird roast from Aldi was nice although the stuffing was a bit peppery and it took longer than it was supposed to cook.
It was surprisingly warm all day though. Much milder than you would expect for Christmastime. I had the room window open all day. I had only opened it to get rid of the breakfast cooking smells and completely forgot to shut it. We were all wearing t-shirts instead of thick woolly jumpers. Lucky for Bret as he had a few new T-shirts from Auntie Ange (WWE Wrestling)
TV on Christmas day was pretty pants. Christmas TOTP at 2pm then nothing really until Doctor Who at 6. Even that wasn't a patch on past specials. I don't know what RTD was thinking really...No new Doctor to get excited about anyway.
I didn't watch Eastenders as I hadn't seen the Xmas eve episode. We had our Christmas pud about 8pm and I think we were all in bed by Midnight.
Boxing day was mostly spent at Debz house.
We were up about 10ish. I was feeling ghastly. I had felt a cold coming for a few days and now it decided to manifest itself. My chest was all bunged up and my head was throbbing and I couldn't breathe. I was coughing and spluttering all over the place.
I made Nan a bit of lunch and at 2pm we called a taxi. I would have walked but it was way too far for Nan to walk.
We got there even before Ange and her lot and Debz was still doing the food. Carl was playing some beat em up game on the Xbox so everyone took it in turns to have a go on that.
We had the match on in the background although it was really worth listening to, derby played crap and lost hey-ho.
After that we spent the evening eating, drinking and playing on the Wii - Guiness book of records. Well I didn't play, I just watched but it was fun especially when they were playing Raving Rabbids and had to do the daft dancing mini games. It was getting on for Midnight when we left. My dear Niece and nephew were getting tired and very niggly and the evening came to it's own natural conclusion.
I didn't go straight to bed (Well I was sleeping on the sofa) I stayed up catching up with friends online and watching TV.
And so ends the 2 days of Christmas.
It goes by ever so quickly these days and you are expected to get back to normal so fast.
We have a mountain of Christmas food and drink left so I will be ok for snacks and a tipple for a few weeks for now.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A luke Warm kind of Christmas
Christmas dinner,

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