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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Seven Pounds

I knew this wouldn't be my kind of film but with all the hype and the words of Chris Moyles and Comedy Dave in my head I knew I had to see it.

I was prepared for it and everything that they said was true. I didn't have a clue what was going on for the first half of the film but knew I had to stay with it.

As the story moves on and everything falls into place I felt myself being totally torn apart. I can't reveal the story as it has been so cleverly shrouded I would want you to go see it and experience it for yourself. The whole story is shattering though. The people you meet - The characters that Will Smith's character encounters - You connect with them straight away.

I can honestly say I will probably never watch it again but I am proud to say that I have seen it and experienced it.

As the credits rolled for the end of the film, just as Chris Moyles said I just wanted to curl up with a duvet. I didn't want the lights to come up and I certainly didn't want to walk out of the theatre yet. My head was throbbing and my eyes were red from the sobbing. My throat was sore too.

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