We had snow. Lots of it!
Sunday is when it started to snow but I didn't think it was going to last and couldn't believe it when I got up Monday morning at 6.30am and everywhere was white.It was a wonderful experience living opposite the park and seeing the glorious views. I just had to get out there and do some proper photography with my camera.
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The Snow started to ease off towards the end of Monday and Bret came home very late from school, soaking wet because he had been playing snowball fights with his mates.
We thought that was the last of the snow and it was all but gone Wednesday night so imagine our surprise when we got up Thursday to see about 3 or 4 inches of snow! It was so bad this time that just about all Schools in Derby were closed (including Bret's) and even Bill's college was closed. So lots of fun in the snow for all kids young and old.
I had to go into town in the morning and it was pretty much deserted. walking into town was a bif of a pain as it was all wet and slushy but the paths around the estate were still a few inches deep. Luckily my trainers stood up to the wet and my feet stayed bone dry.
I stayed the rest of the day inside in the warm. The kids came back a couple of times to change out of wet clothing for clean dry stuff and back out again.
I can't believe that proper Winter has arrived. We haven't had so much Snow in 20 years. It makes me feel like watching "The day after Tomorrow" again...
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