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Monday, October 03, 2011

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside

With this Indian Summer we are having I thought I should make the most of it and take myself off to the Beach. Well I say the Beach, I don't really enjoy sitting on the beach, I find it boring.

I got up a little late as my alarm didn't go off when It should. That may be because I forgot to set it. So I thought I was going to have a shorter day. Instead of the 9.10 am train I caught the 9.24am train but when I got into Nottingham station I was still in time for the 9.55am train to Skegness.

The train was quite packed but it was mostly Pensioners apart from the seats in front of me. Typical I picked the seats behind the screaming baby! It was quiet for part of the journey but just when I was getting comfortable it would wake again.

There is no doubt where you are when you walk down the main street and see this...

I arrived in Skeg at lunchtime. Just in time for Fish and chips on the beach

I think Fish and chips always tastes much better by the sea. It might be that the fish is fresher or that as you are breathing in that sea air it tastes richer. I don't know but there is nothing better.

As always I had a wander round the RNLI and put some money in the box. My Mum was born and raised by the sea and had lost friends and family in the past who worked on the Lifeboats.

It was so hot and for saying it was the end of September, the place was packed. It was mostly pensioners and families with pre school children but there were also quite a few children who should have been at school.

I took a walk down the pier too but I really wanted to have a sit down. There was nowhere to sit on the pier which shows how busy the place was. I fancied just sitting there and gazing out over the sea

It wasn't to be though so I walked up the pier and back again before heading off.

I really wanted to go to Natureland and take some pics of the animals so I took a long walk down the Parade toward Natureland. When I got there though and found it was £7.20 I just couldn't afford that. I only had £15 in my purse and needed to save taxi fare for when I got home so I just went and took pictures of the flowers along the Parade instead.

I walked back along the beach to get myself an ice cream and sat on the sand while I guzzled it all down.

I couldn't really sit eating it all ladylike as the weather was so hot the Ice cream was just melting so fast, I had to just slurp it as fast as I could.

I have to admit, as hot as it was and compared to the last time I went to Skeg when it rained, by about 3.00 I was so bored. I tried several times to just sit on the beach and watch the world go by but I couldn't. I must have ants in my pants as I just had to get up and walk.

I tried to take pics of the Donkeys but was difficult. They were very busy and there were lots of kids around and I didn't want to look like a pervert.

I went and had little play on the arcades

Then I took a slow walk back up to the train station. Stopping to buy fudge and Candy Floss on the way.

In the town I spotted these Statue people. Should I have given them money after photographing them??

Igot to the train station and the train was in already. There was a line waiting but not that many. I thought this would be less busy than the next one at 5.10pm as I think most people prefer to go home around 5/6pm.

I got on the train and found myself what I thought would be a nice quiet seat. HOW WRONG WAS I??! A girl of about 18 got on with her mother and boyfriend. She was so loud. She was only sat next to them yet she seemed to be shouting at the top of her voice. I learned all about what she had been doing, what she had eaten and about her Kickboxing class she was going to later. She also called a taxi firm to book a cab for later and shouted at the top of her voice to them too. This was all in a very quiet train carriage so its not as if she needed to make herself heard. Her mum was as bad! I heard people behind me giggling about it. The girl was talking about her mum's Phantom of the Opera obsession and the people behind me starting singing the Phantom song (Quite loudly). I couldn't help giggling to myself.

I thought at first that maybe this was a family of actors and the rest of the passengers were being set up but I realised they were just deaf!

Thank God they got off at Wainfleet otherwise I would have to have moved. Also across the aisle was another person who didn't know the concept of keeping your voice down. I thought it was a man but over the course of the journey I discovered it was in fact a woman. She sat at a table seat on her own and at Wainfleet some young girls got on and asked if they could sit there. Over the rest of the journey she was talking at them non stop. Although I didn't have much battery left on my phone, I had to put my iPod on as I couldn't stand it. I don't know how the girls felt but I didn't want to know her complete life story.

By the time we reached Notts station I was desperate to get off this was the longest journey In History!!!

I was Home Sweet Home by 8pm.


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