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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Job done!

Tuesday was a very productive and successful day.
DS and I travelled over to Brian's house to put the finishing touches to our Re-union plans. Unfortunately Tim couldn't make it but we relayed progress to him so that he wasn't left out of the loop.

I had been playing phone tag with 1 very important person who had been a big part of our lives from that time and I had been stalling telling Bri that i had accidentally deleted her number from my phone. As we sat there i suddenly had an urge to go get my phone from my coat. Telepathy? Well something like that as my ass was saved because moments before i had recieved a text from (lets just call her) D asking if i was home as she wanted to ring me there and then. I texted her back with Bri's number and we finally got to talk to each other again for the first time in years. I would say in 18 years but I did bump into her at Allenton Market once when I had DS in the pushchair so that would probably be about 12 years ago. Still it is a long time and things have moved on considerably.

It was great as we chatted on the phone for about 25 minutes. Brian prompting me to ask the vital questions and then of course I had to feed all the info back to him after.

We also managed to contact the 3rd Team leader from the beginning. I of course had to make the call to his parents and we got his mobile number so Brian promptly texted him. God only knows what he would have said to his mother when he got home for giving us his mobile when she didn't really know who we were. Although Brian is hopeful that he will come, I am not so sure but we will see.

It wasn't all work of course. We did nip to Maccy dees for lunch as per DS's request and Brian had wanted to see the 500 miles video from Comic relief so we watched that and ended up watching most of the CR stuff that I had recorded - including Hider from the day after (which unfortunately had cut off before the end. )
Well I wasn't complaining at a bit of JK and Joel honestly!
The only downer to the day was that we just missed the train home by a couple of minutes and had to wait an hour for the next one so we didn't get home until gone 8pm.

So roll on our 20th reunion as now it has something to look forward to...

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