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Sunday, May 27, 2007

1 day to Wembley

Today DD and I (and DD's friend and sister) braved the rain to walk to Pride Park and join in with hundreds of other Rams fans to see the lads off on the way to Wembley.

The team were due to arrive at PPS at 1.30pm and announcements said to be in your seats by 1pm. As it was a long walk I planned to leave about 11.30 so we could take our time and still get there at a reasonable time.

By the time we reached Pride park we were soaked through to the skin and although it was only about 12.15pm the West stand of the stadium was already filling up rapidly. We found some seats and took in the atmosphere while we waited. It was bloody cold though and the little 'un was struggling a bit with the cold.
There was lots of flag waving and singing as we waited for the team to appear. It was very exciting and although I had ummed and arred about going this morning, I was so glad we made the hike.

The Press officer Jim Fearn came out a couple of times to gee up the crowd and get them singing Steve Bloomer for the Sky TV cameras...Shame we can't get Sky Sports News being on Virgin isn't it so we can't see ourselves on tele.

Finally it was time to bring the team out but first they brought out the 2 young boys that would be leading out the Rams at Wembley tomorrow. I found I had tears streaming down my cheeks, it was very emotional, I am sure their mum must have felt the same too. You can read about them HERE

I took loads of pictures while we were there.

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I also tried to take some video but stupid me never checked if the camera records sound. So I stuck all the video together and put Steve Bloomer over the top...

Once out on the pitch, Captain Matt Oakley and Club captain Michael Johnson gave rousing speeches to the masses and then Billy Davies really got the crowd going with his speech. The enthusiasm amongst Billy and his boys was really catching and if you didn't believe they could do it before, surely you would do now!
The team did a lap of honor to cheer and clap the fans that had turned out and then they disappeared down the tunnel to their awaiting bus. When they said they were going straight away, I didn't realise they meant STRAIGHT AWAY. By the time we had got out the ground, the bus was driving off into the distance.

We made our way round to have a look in the shop but it was so chocca and they only had Wembley merch anyway so I braved the rain home again.

By the time I got in I was absolutely drenched so I think it is a hot bath for me tonight.

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