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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wemberley! Wemberley!

What a fucking Awesome night. If not mentally knackering and nerve-wracking.
DD and her friend were lucky enough to be at the game and what a night it was for them even if it did Pee it down for most of the night I doubt they even noticed.

'Twas the 2nd leg of the Play-offs between Derby and Southampton. This was the home leg. The Lets make Pride Park Black and White night. And it worked!

OK so it wasn't an easy ride. Within a couple of minutes Derby were ahead but then a minute later we were back to square 1 as Soton equalised. It was back and forth from then on.
I could not sit still and I definitely couldn't relax. I must have really pissed off DS with my shouting and ranting and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from swearing several times during the game.

In the final minutes of the game it was tied 2-2 but as we had the 1 goal advantage from the previous game it meant we were booking our place at Wembley. Then in the dying seconds of the 90, ironically from a perfectly placed ball from Darren Moore, Greogrz Raziak stuck it well and truly in the back of the net. BUGGER! Firstly this meant that Soton were now winning the actual game but it meant that overall we were drawing and so another 30 minutes to play.

I was going out of my head by this time. I couldn't bear it to go to Penalties. We needed to score again to finally win and put an end to it.

Unfortunatley it seemed that the players were playing fro the Pens. They were knackered and there was no way any of them were going to score again.
I considered turning of the TV and just listening to the shoot-out on the radio but you know it was one of those situations where you know you should look away but you just can't.

Southampton were up first and I was praying with all my might thatthe ball woulod go wide or high or Bywater would save. My prayers were answered as Best shot wide. First off for us was David Jones with a perfect penalty and the rest of the boys followed suit with 4 perfect balls right into the back of the net.
Number 4 for Southampton was our other former Ram Inigo Idiakez. I couldn't look as he stepped up but I peeped to see the ball go sky high and then as the realisation that we had won. Southampton couldn't catch up now, We won, Derby are going to Wembley for the Final. I was clapping and squealing and jumping up and down. What a release of tension as it was finally all over!

On the screen it was bedlam as the fans invaded the pitch and then all I could think of was that DD was probably on the pitch somewhere soaked to the skin. I scoured the screen but there were so many people that I couldn't see her. Then I just had to wait for her text to tell me she was in town so I could go and meet her.

I downed another can of Skol as I waited with a huge grin on my face. At about 11.05pm I got the text so I got my shoes on and wrapped up in my coat to go face the rain.
DD was wet and tired and very happy. It was about a quarter to midnight by the time we got back and she went straight up to bed.
I still couldn't quite believe it. The Rams are going to Wembley!

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