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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Less than magical mystery tour

All week we seem to have been sat round the house glued to our computers. The kids not getting up before 3pm and then sitting around in their pjs.

I was sick of doing absolutely nothing so Friday I was determined to get us out the house and get some exercise. So I managed to get everyone up by mid-day and out the house for a nice walk round the city.

I have lived in this city since I was 10 years old but there are still some places I haven't seen. 1 such place is Darley Park so that is where we headed. Only it wasn't where I thought it was and we ended up walking round in a big circle and never actually found the park. How stupid do I feel?!

At least we did get a good lot of exercise though and we visited some parts of the city we have never seen before. By the time we got back home about 3pm we were all hot and thirsty and tired and my feet were throbbing so then we all felt justified spending the rest of the day slobbed out in front of the TV.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

10 out of 10 for effort Jen