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Friday, August 10, 2007

Then I go and spoil it all by doing something stupid

Everything was going swimmingly...Until I used a drive cleaning utility called Ncleaner. I wanted to clear out all the junk files, old registry entries and all the leftover bits from uninstalled programs. You know how the stuff clogs everything up, Plus I was running out of disc space and wanted to free as much space as I could.

So I ran a full disk scan and when it finished I ticked all entries and clicked OK. Then it gives you a warning message that some of these files might be needed by windows and if I click OK then the process can't be reversed. SO I just said Yeah, whatever - Now why would it want to clean files in the first place that are important, I clicked OK and went on my merry way. Everything was fine until I re-booted. I got a load of error messages that just kept coming and then the laptop re-booted itself. Then it just started on a cycle of re-booting.
I went into Safe mode to try a system restore but they had all been wiped out. I couldn't even get online to find a solution because once I had got it stabilised, I couldn't get online. For hours I tried everything, even getting the XP disc out and repairing but that didn't work...

There was only 1 thing left to do and that was through Acers own recovery suite toi go back to factory default settings. Now any normal person would have shut down the computer at this point and gone to bed to sleep on it. Maybe considered backing everything up first? Not me of course I went ahead and hit the button...

So I lost everything. I am so angry at myself. All the DT stuff I had collected, All my Griffin pictures and audio, all the Albion exclusive limited downloads All my emails and email addresses...I mean everything was gone.

Days on and it is kind of like having a new computer as I am going round downloading all the add on programs i lost as well as collecting together the video and pictures and sounds I lost but some things I will never get back, like the emails etc...Fortunately, all the photos I have taken recently are still on my memory card so they are saved.

Please learn from my mistakes cause I know I sure won't!

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