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Monday, October 15, 2007

Back from Cov

So I finally got to spend some time with my Nan over the weekend.
I got the train at 10am on Saturday morning. The journey was so easy which is unusual as it always goes wrong when I go down there. I got to Brum and there was a train just about to go out. I was sat on my Nan's sofa by 11.30am

We sat and had a coffee and a chat then we caught the bus to town to get our flowers for Grandad's funeral.
The woman at the flower stall was loverly. She was very helpful and although she showed us the catalogue she said that she could do any arrangement in any size for any price. I chose a gorgeous spray of Lilies and Nan chose a red heart. They were priced very reasonably too. The hardest thing was writing the cards. Nan got very upset and could hardly write her card.

We had look round the market. It was amazing how many people and stall holders stopped us to offer their condolences. So many people knew and thought a lot about my Grandad.
We then went on the hunt for somewhere to eat.
We ended up in the Woolworths cafe which probably wasn't the best choice. They were just closing and didn't have much.
The woman offered to make us some sandwiches but it seemed to take an age and we were the only people in the cafe. In fact the whole store itself wasn't very busy. It isn't often you see Woolworths half empty whatever town you are in.

We did get our sandwiches eventually and my Tuna sandwich was lovely. We left pretty quickly though as it was like being in a ghost town.

We then made our way to the bus stop to get back as Nan was adamant that I shouldn't miss the football (England V Estonia)

On the way back we visited Nan's neighbour who has been a great support to her during Grandad's Illness and also since he died. It is great that she has such great friends. This particular neighbour is making a collection of the whole neighbourhood in my Grandad's memory to donate to the Air Ambulance which is my Nan's charity of choice.

When we got in I had already missed the goal but we had a drink and watched the rest of the game.

The evening was lovely as Nan and I sat and watched TV and chatted together. It reminded me of the days when Nan used to come and stay and we would sit in my house and chat about random stuff and watch TV together. We went to bed about midnight.

Sunday we were up at 8am. By the time I got up Nan had already got dressed and gone to the shop for the paper. I am not used to getting up so early on a Sunday. When she came back we sat and read the papers.

My train back was 13.24 so at 12 she cooked me a late breakfast of Bacon, Egg and Sausage. My taxi arrived at 12.30 and it was time for me to say goodbye. I really didn't want to leave her but I had to get back to the kids and get their uniforms washed for Monday (Did I mention my washer still isn't working??)
Ironically the taxi driver remembered picking Nan and Grandad up occasionally and was shocked when I told him the news. We laughed at how Nan always seemed to be nagging him when they got in the taxi.

The journey home was straight forward again. In fact it was running early and I was home for 3.30pm

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