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Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bumper Tuesday Blogpost

Tuesday was the first Target setting day of the new term. As usual neither of my children managed to get appointments with any of their lesson teachers. You could understand it if they were underachieving but they are reaching all their targets well before time so I think it is just laziness that they never let me see any of their other teachers.

Our appointments were 1.30 and 1.40 but I had a busy morning before that as the men from the council were coming to repair my security features.

First of all at about 10am the man came to fix up the intruder alarm and finally show me how to use it. It feels so good to have it finally working. The control panel has been sat there staring at me the whole time and i got frustrated that I wasn't able to use it.

Next at about 11.30 the guy came to fix the video intercom system. It was so messed up that he put in a whole new unit. It is absolutely cool. I can now see who is at the door and I don't have to run down to let anyone in as I can just press the button and the door opens itself. It will be great for Jehovah's witnesses and the like as I can just tell them to go away without having to run up and down the stairs.
The best thing I like about it though is if we are out or indisposed and don't answer the door then it records a picture with the time and date so we will always know if we have missed visitors. I just can't wait now until we get some actual visitors...

My meetings at school ran as they usually do. DD is on course for great grades in her GCSEs. I am a little confused though as it seems that 3 of the exams she took at the end of last year have already given her 3 GCSE grade Cs. When I was at school we took our exams in the spring of the 5th year but It is all different now as they take them right from the fourth year(yr 10) all the way through at odd times.

I got to meet DS' new form tutor and although she did have more info for me about his grades than his old one, she didn't particularly have much to say other than how brilliant he is. Ok so I know that and I couldn't ask for much more but I would like to know exactly what he is so brilliant at in a bit more detail.

Next we had a special meeting with DS PE teacher - surprisingly for me as PE was always his weakest activity. He has been picked to take part in the gifted and talented program working towards the JSLA (junior sports leadership award). The (very easy on the eye) Sports teacher told me that DS has a talent for picking up strategies and routines and is often given the task of leading class warm ups. With this course he could go on to get refereeing qualifications which would be excellent for him. Of course the major good thing that I could see to come out if this is it will make great reading on his CV along with all his academic achievements. DS is all blase about it though and doesn't seem to see it for the big deal it is.

The great thing about living here now is it took 10 minutes to walk home and downhill all the way.

I spent the rest of Tuesday working on my website. The music page needed updating since the break up of Albion. I really want to put a music player on there though so that will be the next job to find a decent music player so I can add some music from the artists featured on my page. Next job is the TV page to add such shows as Eureka, The 4400 and Bones

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Wow Jen you must feel so proud!!! That's fantastic news!

And the secruity system sounds amazing... we need something like that here!