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Sunday, October 21, 2007

RIP Grandad

Friday October 19th was my Grandad's funeral. The only time they could book it for though was 9am which meant that we had to travel down Thursday night and stay over.

First of all though we had some errands to run.
I had made an appointment for DD to have her haircut at 10am. DD's hair is extremely long and thick so I imagined it would take a while. As it happens It only took around 40 minutes although most of that was the drying stage. I felt sorry for the poor girl doing the cut as her hand was close to dropping off - And if anyone says that it looks like it hasn't been cut then they should have been there because it looked like there was a great woolly Mammoth growing out of the floor there was so much hair.

After DD was finished it was the turn of DS but I took him to a trendy new Gents Hairdressers in the Westfield. It is called Bloke and it is very posh. Each seat had a TV screen showing Sky sports and also on the wall was a large screen showing music channels. So at least there was something for me and DD to do whilst DS was having his barnet coiffured.
That didn't take too long and next job on the list was to get tops for the children to wear to Granddad's funeral. I had already gotten them trousers.

It wasn't as hard a job as I had anticipated. Matalan was our first stop and Bingo! DS chose a very smart black shirt and DD chose a smart fitted black jumper with the fake white shirt. OK so it might have looked like her school uniform but I like it and at least my over-critical sisters couldn't say I hadn't made an effort.

As we were finished early we had time to have a look round the centre and spend time in some shops that we hadn't had chance to explore yet.

We planned to catch the 18.24 train to Cov (change at Brum) but we arrived earlier so caught the 18.06. When we got to Brum I looked for the next available train to Coventry and it was about to leave so we hop-footed it down the platform and only just got on by the skin of our teeth. DD had visions of getting left behind but all was well. Unfortunately the train was quite packed so DS got a seat and me & DD stood in the vestibule near to the luggage rack. We arrived at my Nan's an hour later at 19.30 which was good going if you ask me. We were starving when we got there so Nan cooked us Bacon and Eggs. I was surprised at how well she was. She seemed very upbeat and not at all nervous or sad about the following day.

We had a long day ahead of us so 11pm was time for Bed. The children got snuggled up in their sleeping bags on the living room floor and I shared with Nan. I really couldn't get any sleep though. I was freezing cold all night although I was sweating. I think I was feeling mixed emotions about the next day.

We got up about 7am Friday. The funeral cars were arriving at 8.30 and my sisters and their partners would be arriving little before that. We all managed to be up and ready though and not embarrass ourselves.

Of course this was not our first funeral but it was for the children so i wouldn't have been surprised if they too had mixed emotions about it.
The cars arrived a little late and we all piled in. My sisters and my children and I rode with Nan in the main car and the partners rode with the other neighbours and friends in the second car.
It was a mighty long way to the Crematorium and I didn't think I would make it without having to spew my guts up. So many things were running through my mind.

When we arrived and the undertakers opened the doors for us, I suddenly cracked. I watched them take my Grandad out of the hearse and a huge lump formed in my throat. I thought I was going to start crying before I even went inside. My auntie appeared at my side. She is my Dad's younger sister so I don't know what that makes her to my Grandad but she said she had to be there to represent my Dad's side of the family as since my own parents died, My Nan and Grandad had been there for us more than they had. I was so glad she was there as it has been quite a few years since I saw her last (Ange and Rob's wedding I think which was 2000)

We were lead into the chapel and seated at the front. My Nan had chosen to have a Methodist service and it was a woman vicar but she gave a fantastic service and a great account of my Grandad.
I was bearing up well until she started talking about The family and how Grandad was so proud of all of us. This is where I just lost it and started crying. I noticed my sisters also were crying and also DS. Unfortunately he had sat at the end with DD in the middle of us so I couldn't reach to hug him and all I could do was put my hand on his leg. I could hear my Nan sobbing and I wanted to be strong for her.

Once the service was over and we got outside, I could comfort my boy. I gave him a big hug as did each of his aunties and my auntie too.
After a few moments chatting we went over to see the flowers. Finally I got to see the gorgeous spray of Lilies I chose. It was huge and what great value for money. My sisters had also sent gorgeous flowers. Ange a beautiful wreath with Grandad on and Debz a beautiful yellow cushion also with Grandad on. It is such a shame they don't last as they were all beautiful but of course the best of all was Nan's gorgeous Red heart made up of red Roses and Carnations.
When we had said our goodbyes to the other guests it was back to Nans to devour all the fantastic food she had laid on.

Once back at Nan's house, we managed to banish Nan to the front room to be with her guests whilst the 3 of us sisters and the 2 children fixed the food and drinks. Debz was in charge of making the teas while I set to cooking the Pizzas - Ironic as I never get them right at home.
My Nan was over the moon as Grandad's nephew had come with his daughter and they had a lot of catching up to do. It was great to have a little role reversal for a change.
Once all the kitchen jobs were done, we joined them in the lounge to here stories of days gone by and of Grandad and his family. I couldn't believe how much he was like him.

They stayed until nearly mid-day which was great for Nan as she didn't have to put up with just us lot. After that she tried to force as much food down us as possible. Unfortunately DD wasn't feeling too well and everything she did eat ended up back in the toilet within an hour. This didn't look good for going home. Another couple of hours though and she was feeling better and eating more.
I had printed out the train times home and decided to catch the 16.24 train home as it was straight through...Bad decision!!!
Nan packed us up some of the remaining food to take home and although I hoped Rob might offer to take us to the station a little crisis occurred with Nan's neighbour so while he took charge of that Nan called us a cab. We got to the station in plenty of time but when the train arrived it was already packed to the hilt. The children managed to find themselves seats as others got up ready to get off at the Airport but I had to stand with my case just in the aisles. Luckily though there were a lot of people getting off at Brum and we managed to sit down together for the rest of the journey. It went by without incident although the train manager was appealing for passengers travelling through to Northern destinations to get off at Derby and get the next train but I don't know how many did this.
By 6pm we were home and DS was planning on going to Youth so all was well.

It is weird in a way but I am already missing my Grandad. In my later years we weren't that close but although we are only his step-family since my Mum died he has treated me like a daughter. I will never forget the things he and Nan has done for me and I know that sometimes he has favoured me over my sisters (Although for the most time he always tried to treat us equally) He will be sadly missed by all of us. My Nan is being so brave and looking forward to the future but I know she misses him dearly. I am just so grateful that she has so many great friends and neighbours who will be there for her through the hard times.

RIP Grandad, we love and miss you.

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