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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Today I will mostly be maiming myself

Having got really fed up of DS' carpet in the way all the time I set to fitting it in his room even though I haven't been able to finish the painting yet. The kids cleared the room first and then I got to work.
Despite several warnings from DD to be careful I still manage to slice a huge gash in my little finger. It hurt like bloody hell but didn't bleed that much. The pain was so intense that I was sick. I went all light headed and my knees went all wibbly. DD went into crisis mood and ordered DS to get changed cos we were going to the hospital. Well I really didn't want to go to hospital, it was pouring down with rain outside and had been all day. It would be a long painful walk to the hospital and I didn't even know if I could make it without passing out. So I took a few painkillers and DD put a plaster on for me.

I sat for half an hour with my hand elevated above my head and then got back and finished the laying of the carpet. I had to finish before it got too late because of the banging.

I will go to the doctors tomorrow just to get it checked out but the bleeding stopped before it soaked though the plaster so it must be OK.

My injury did make certain things impossible. I couldn't open the frozen veg and I haven't been able to wash the dishes so they will have to wait - I might stick a carrier bag on to do that tomorrow.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

aaah you poor thing! What did the doc say today?