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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Shitty day started well

The beginning of my Tuesday went fine. I got up and went over to Ange's to pick up my Christmas box from my Nan and then stopped off at the Warehouse on the way back.

In the afternoon I had my annual meeting with my lone parent advisor. The usual trowelling through the Jobs vac list brought up nothing and I brought up the possibility of doing re-training for work. As a result I will be starting a 13 week Business Admin course in the New Year. The course includes 4 weeks work experience and if that works out a possible job at the end of it. If that doesn't happen at least I have something substantial to add to my CV and more experience to make the job choice a little wider. I also get an extra £15 a week while I am on the course to cover travel etc... I am really looking forward to it.

My interview finished just before 3 and I was insistent on getting to ASDA to get a few things that I need for my special Christmas boxes I am putting together. The low point was that they didn't even have the one main thing I wanted. I did a bit of normal shopping and then went to the checkout. The one thing that everyone fears happened when my card was declined. I tried it 3 times and still no joy so I looked in my purse to see what cash I had on me. I just had enough with a penny to spare so had to give the cashier all my change.
Luckily I had bought an all day bus ticket so I could get home.

I was absolutely livid when I got home and logged into my online banking account. Stupid Virgin Media had tried to take 4 x my usual payment and so sent me £170 overdrawn and then the bank had charged me £25 on top of that. So that is why my card was declined. 2 weeks before Xmas and they wiped me out!!

I can tell you I was glad of the bottles of wine I had just bought, I sure needed that to drown my sorrows.

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