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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Its options time

...And I am seething.
DS is in yr9 and finally it is time to decide his options choices for the next 2 years. There actually wasn't much choice this year as he only had to pick 2 subjects and a reserve. So automatically his choices picked themselves - IT, Media Studies and as a reserve History.

I was shocked when he came back from school today and said that he has been refused Media because only 10 people have picked it so that isn't enough. Added to that he can't do History either because not enough people have picked that either so he has a choice of French or Business studies.
Neither of these subjects interest him in the slightest. Although he is one of the best in the year in French he can't wait to get rid of it out of his timetable. He has no need of Business studies in his future either.

So incensed was I that I have written to the head of options, head of Careers and also have copied the letter to the Head herself to see what happens. I really don't think that he should have to miss out. What is wrong with doing a class for 10 pupils? And why would they leave History off of the timetable altogether???

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

That's terrible Jen

If you don't get anywhere tell them you are going to contact the School Governors and also Ofsted.