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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Where did the weekend go?

I don't know where the years went but my nephew is 7 this week. Saturday was his party day.
First of all was his friends party which this year was a football party at the leisure centre where his mum plays Netball.
We got there really early and so we were sat waiting while all his friends arrived. There was a good mix of girls and boys and he received lots of big presents.

The party set up is very good. For about £10 a head they get an hour of play, half time drinks, a team photo, trophies, Pizza & chips and party bags. You also get a party host and a referee.

When all the children were ready the ref split them into 2 team - Bibs Vs non-Bibs. It was funny seeing all the children run round the court chasing the ball. Some children stood out though especially the birthday boy and his best mate who played in goal. Zoe's nephew A and hew niece S were also very good at positioning themselves.

The only thing that I didn't like was when Zoe's other nephew N had a mardy and started crying because he couldn't get the ball, instead of just letting him get on with it, the ref played up to him and actually made it worse by trying to let him score. I was really proud though of my little niece and she really joined in and didn't cry or stomp off once.

After an hour of football including a penalty shoot out and a team photo, the score was a draw 9-9. The birthday boy scored a hat-trick and a penalty. The party host led us all to the bar where the tables were laid up with pizza and chips for everyone - and I mean everyone as all the families were tucking in too.
The host brought the cake out and we all sang happy birthday and then there was the presentation of a trophy for the birthday boy and the winner of the penalty shoot-out.

In the evening the party was to carry on at Debz house. When we got to Ange's however we learned that the plan had changed and it was at Tori's instead. The night was the usual stuff - Men playing darts, girls play Singstar. I did have an interesting pretend phone conversation with Tori's 3 yr old where she told me she was just having a cigarrette???!!!!

We didn't stay too late as DD felt ill. We left DS behind who wanted to go to Ange's and play Wii and me and DD walked home. good job we walked instead of getting a cab as she through up a couple of times along the way.

I think it was about 1-2am when we finally got in.

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