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Sunday, March 30, 2008

14 birthdays

My DS celebrated his 14th birthday this weekend. Another milestone for us all and another little step into adulthood.
His choice for his party this year was a trip to the megazone. It was £4 a game so I worked out how many I could afford to take which was 8. Ange asked if she could bring my Nephew and she even paid for him.

We booked in for 6pm and got there in lots of time. As we were waiting for the other lads to turn up, Disaster struck - My lens popped out of my glasses. This meant that at some point the little tiny screw has fallen out. So although DD did get on her hands and knees to look it was a waste of time. It was busy time and there were loads of people walking back and forth. I struggled by holding the glasses together but it wasn't easy and the job was made harder still by the fact that we were still waiting for one of DS friends to turn up and we were close to losing our 6pm slot.
The guy behind the desk told me that they could start and if the other lad arrived he could join them.
So off the kiddies trooped up the stairs ready for their megatag mission.

It was nice for me cos I sat in the bar with Ange and Rob. They were drinking but I didn't bring enough money to have a drink myself.

The game lasted half an hour and it wasn't soon before they all came trundling back in sweaty and tired out. It turned out that DN had actually scored highest so he felt pleased with himself and then he swiftly beat DD in a game of Pool.

It was a bit daunting walking this group of 14 yr old lads back home. For a start they all tower above me and unlike when they were just little 6yr olds, I had no authority what-so-ever. Luckily for me then that the trip home went off without incident.

DS was looking forward to showing off his new game. DD and I had bought him Guitar Hero between us. He had picked it up really quickly and it was hard for him to let anyone else go on.
It was very noisy, I am glad I opted to stay in the kitchen with my laptop. Even when I brought out the Pizza they didn't quieten any.

I was so glad when 9pm came and all but 1 of the party guests had gone, that meant I could send them off to the bedroom to play on the Wii so I could watch Torchwood.


Saturday night I had planned a second party for family and close friends. Everyone was planned to arrive at 7pm although it was geting on for 8. Ange and DN had been outside PPS after the game with DD getting autographs and pictures with the players. They arrived a little wet and cold but extremely happy.

The boys soon set up their Poker school in the kitchen and in the lounge we tried a bit of everything.
DN wasn't too impressed with the guitar and so declared himself bored because it was stupid. Debz and Zoe tried out the DanceMat and agreed with DD that the Pop Idol game was too hard. So then the ole Singstar came out but it was the children's turn to hog it this time.

I think it must have been about Midnight when Zoe and Tori left. Ange, Rob, Debz and Carl were content to keep drinking though. Me? I was taking it easy this time. I started drinking Squash about midnight. I was very cold though and had to go put on my Cardi over my jumper.

Carl and Rob became very competitive on the Guitar hero - I can see it is going to be winner at future get togethers.

It was about 2.30am when I realised that the clocks had to go forward - with that in mind the clocks said nearer 4.30am when everyone was making their way to their taxies. Rob had fallen asleep on the sofa and Dear little Niece had fallen asleep on DS bed - face down with her bum in the air.
I had been sneakily tidying up around people since 1am so there was no mess left for morning this time.
I crawled into my bed sometime nearing 5am but it was a thoroughly great night.

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