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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Gissa job

At my last Jobsearch review Clive told me I should be getting interviews by now and so I had to broaden my search. By his statistics you are supposed to get 1 interview for every 10 applications.

Yesterday was my first interview for a job I don't really want to do. It was for a Catalogue outlet in Normanton. It took me ages to move out of there and I don't particularly want to have to go back there every day.
I can't really say how the interview went. I got there in plenty of time and was greeted by the manager who took me upstairs to the office which was a bit of a trek down corridors and round corners. It was mostly them telling me about the work and the company in general. I did get to sell myself when I was able to compare the work to what I had done at Poundplus as it sounded about the same kind of system. Although I had prepared beforehand, when it came to the "Is there anything you would like to ask" question all I could think of was that she hadn't mentioned the hours so I asked about that.

Sometimes you can get an idea of how you have done from the reaction and body language of the interviewer but on the occasion I was getting mixed signals. The Assistant was very positive and friendly where as the manager herself was very aloof. She couldn't get me out of there quick enough...So we will see.

Now I have another interview on Monday afternoon and then another on Tuesday morning. I haven't even heard from the 2 jobs that I really wanted to apply for. so watch this space.

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