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Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's my party and I'll throw Vodka over you if I want to

After all the drama of the day with falling down the stairs and working against the clock to get the house ready and the food prepared. My first guests arrived. Well they all turned up together so there wasn't even time to ease into the evening. Ange and Debz partners and kids as well as our extended family of Zoe and Tori and their partners and kids. Not forgetting Debz mate Shell who I have known since she was about 3.

It was a real christening for our little flat. Suddenly it was full of people and I knew there were more to come. I made myself a Vodka and coke but I think I overdid it on the vodka for my first drink and nearly choked.
I stood chatting to Glynn for quite a while. We chatted about my autographs because there are only a few up and he wanted to know what I was going to do with the rest of them. Pretty soon Brian arrived with Tim and Al. I don't think they had been there long when Ange pounced on Brian to get him to sing with her.

I told you that I had overdone it with the Voddie as I can't even remember Lisa and her boys arriving but I can remember thinking OMG!!! They were both taller than me with their deep voices. They were only so high the last time I saw them and of course just like DD they will be 16 this year. It was great having Lisa and Brian and Tim and my sisters all the one room and then to complete it Dot and her sister arrived with young D. He got straight in with the kids and quickly got addicted to the Wii.

So here they all were - All the most important people in my life drinking and eating and singing together.
The blokes in the kitchen playing Poker

and the gals in the lounge singing karaoke,

Not to mention the kids in the bedroom playing Nintendo Wii.
I did a spot of singing too. I think I might have sang with Tim

but not sure and I have an idea I sang with Dot - Something by Wham I think - Blimey I must have really been knocking them back as my memory of actual events are a bit vague.

I do remember being nagged to get the flavoured Vodkas out. I made 3 because I only had 3 empty bottles. They were Traditional Toffee Vodka, Sour Wham bar Vodka and Double Decker Vodka. Everyone wanted a taste - even the kids. This is where the story behind my title lays.
I picked up the bottle of Double Decker Vodka off the table and shook it - not realising that the lid wasn't on. It went absolutely everywhere. All down me mostly but also all over the walls, floor, in the margarine and anywhere else I haven't noticed yet.

I couldn't believe it when 11pm came and Tim and Al said their goodbyes. It felt like they hadn't even been there long. It wasn't long then before midnight came and the local church bells rang in my birthday. Everyone pulled party poppers - mainly over my head!

It was time to open my pressies and I got some cool gifts. I didn't open all of them as I wanted some to open in the morning - I will do a separate blog of all my actual presents.

I don't remember much else. I haven't a clue when Lisa or Dot left. I do remember Debz, Carl and DD walking Shell home. I also remember standing outside with Ange while they all waited for their taxi along with Tori and Dave.
Oh yes and I remember that for most of the night Brian hogged the microphone after swearing blind he wouldn't even have a go...

The last throws of the party I remember is Brian saying it was 2am as he and DS were having a last go on Singstar. I couldn't believe the night had passed so quick. Ange and Rob were preparing to go home as they waited for their taxi and Dear Nephew didn't want to go home so I said he could stay and stay he did.
I chucked Bri a duvet to camp down on the sofa and I got the sleeping bag out and fell asleep on the chair. (However I did wake up on my bed...)

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