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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Mum used to say...

"You're eyes are too big for your belly". And that was definitely the case tonight.

The rest of the family are back today from their weekend at Butlins and as Nan is in town she suggested she treat us all to a meal out at Wokmania. Of course I was more than up for that and so were DD & DS as they hadn't been before.

I started with the salads first then a second starter. As I moved onto my main course I was already starting to feel full but there was so many dishes I was yet to try.

DD couldn't find anything that she wanted to try for her Main course so she had 2 starters then went straight onto the dessert.

Dessert was a little disappointing this time. Only the milk chocolate fountain was working so no one got a try of the white choc. Also the Ice Cream machines weren't working so no Ice Cream.
We had to make do with a bowl of Chocloate and for me Sweeties and Strawberries. Of course I went back for a gorgeous piece of Black forest Cheesecake Yummy!

I think Nan really enjoyed it and went back several times. DN enjoyed watching the video screen which was showing some ridiculous Japanese TV show. You know one of those that Craig Charles commentates on.

We all had Pop to drink as they offer free unlimited refils and I think it was my 3 diet cokes that might have caused me to feel very full and bloated by the end of the evening.
Embarrassed to say so but I was feeing quite sick on the walk home and banned any more talk of food - especially the chocolate fountain ;)

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