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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pizza, Quiche and mini rolls

Last night we dragged our carcasses out of the house to a birthday party of the husband of a friend.
I didn't want to go too early so we didn't leave until after Doctor Who.

Thank Goodness the weather was lovely as it meant that when we got there we could sit outside. There was a lot of people and they wouldn't have all fit into the tiny front room. We sat outside with Ange and Debz and Zoe and the kids played on the swings and slide.

Tori did a briliant spread as always. She is a caterer by trade so you would expect nothing less.

I wasn't going to drink but I did buy myself a small bottle of cherry Lambrini which I made last all night.

It was a fun night. No Singstar or other shenanigans just chatting and having a laugh.

About half way through the night I started coughing. I wasn't coughing madly or anything but it just became an irritation. At midnight when Debz said she was leaving I decided it would be a perfect time for us to leave too. It meant I would be the first to leave and I could get out and cough my guts out in private.

When I got in I watched Casualty that I had SkyPlussed from earlier in the evening.

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