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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Shortest job in history

Tuesday was manic as I had an interview in Nottingham at 3.30 and had to rush around. Not to mention the fact that it was absolutely chucking it down and I got soaked through to the skin.

I made it to the interview though (After getting lost first) and it went on for ages. I had to fill in loads of paperwork.
At the end of it he said that they just had to contact Clive for the reference and get back to the company who I haven't mentioned are Provident Personal credit.
He shook my hand and I was on my way.
I thought that as I was in Notts I couldn't leave without visiting Brian. On my way there Leila from the agency rang me to say she had got a great ref from Clive and I could start tomorrow. WOOHOO!!

I got to Brian's and he had done tea for us. How sweet, I wasn't expecting that and I was just going to get some chips on the way home. I had brought Cakes as a way of a little celebration and Bri had bought cake too.

I stayed until after EastEnders and then went for the bus home. I just managed to get in for the start of Hotel Babylon which is what I had promised...

First day at work.

I was up early and ready to go by 8am leaving DD to lock up. I got into town and realised that the bus info I had been given was wrong and I started panicking that I was going to be late. As it turned out I got there in plenty of time.

I found the office easily and when I got there the supervisor hadn't arrived yet so the other staff that were there were really nice and gave me a seat to wait.
There was a bit of shock when the supervisor arrived. She hadn't expected me and told me there wasn't anything for me to do and they don't need me.

So I sat for a while and the other girls said they would see if they could find any jobs for me to do.
I did get given a job to do that took me through to lunchtime which was good as that made the morning go fast. I sat for a while and ate my lunch. In the afternoon I ended up sat twiddling my thumbs for most of it until I was shown a new job and that took me through to the end of the day.

At Lunchtime the supervisor had told me she was going to cancel me for the next day as they had nothing for me to do but by the end of the day she had forgotten so I was saved and lived to work another day.

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