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Monday, May 05, 2008

Gavin and Stacey night

My trip to Notts this weekend was a well needed break.
It wasn't all about Gavin & Stacey as we had other stuff organised but I was looking forward to our Gavin & Stacey night.

I set off straight after the final whistle of the Rams game against Blackburn. (We lost again)
The bus journey went by really quickly and by the time Doctor Who was starting I was sat on Brian's lounge floor eating a gorgeous Chicken and Prawn Curry.
After Doctor Who we watched Confidential and Bri served up a bowl of gorgeous luxury (Fairtrade) Chocolate Ice Cream.

We settled down for the main event - The full first series of Gavin & Stacey starring James Corden and Matt Horne.
I am a massive fan of the boys but I didn't get into Gavin and Stacey when It first started. I don't know why, I think it was because I never knew when it was on and I was always watching something else.

I really enjoyed it. It is hilarious and there is lots of humour in it at different levels.

We had a half time break for coffee and snacks and I couldn't wait for the rest of it. I think it is better to watch things like this all in one go so I can't wait for Brian to get series 2 now...

I think we ended up going to bed about midnight but we didn't get to sleep until about 3am. I am not sure what had got into us but we had a right old reminisce about stuff from back in the 80s and when we lived in Sheffield. At one point we both got the giggles and try as we might just couldn't stop laughing for ages.

We did eventually fall asleep but I was awake again at about 9.30. I got up and put JK and Joel on Bri's freeview and sat playing my NDS.

We were invited over for lunch at the house of Bri's friend Joolz.
She lives in Mansfield which is a 45 minute journey from Notts on the bus. When we finally got off the really uncomfortable bus Bri said it was only 10 minutes away - half an hour later we were still walking and he had to give up and ring her for directions. We got there just in time before the rain came pouring down.

At least we did get to see a bit of Mansfield. I have never been before and it is a lovely quaint little town with a good shopping centre.

Joolz' house was very nice. Very posh inside and I wished I could have a home like it. She has 3 children so I am hoping that when mine are away at College/Uni then I can get my home nice and posh.

Lunch was equally lovely and Posh. We all sat at the table in the front room. I wasn't really expecting her children to be there so although It was nice to meet her 2 sons it was a bit awkward also. She brought this huge joint of Beef out onto the table along with huge bowls of veg and potato.
I always feel self-conscious when I have to serve myself as people might think I was greedy and it is difficult to make sure you don't knock something over someone or drop something on their plate.

I piled as much on as I thought looked polite and ate away. Everyone else was tucking in and getting seconds and thirds but I was stuffed so had to sit and watch as everyone kept eating.

Dessert was gorgeous. Joolz had handmade a Lemon mousse. which was really scrummy and came with a little biscuit on the side.

Afterwards we had coffee and sat chatting about all sorts of stuff until it was time for us to go back for the bus home. Joolz kindly gave us a lift to the bus station so that we didn't get lost and miss it.
On the bus Brian showed me where he works (Portland College) and also the home -or the front gates of the home-of Brian May (Yes of Queen)

We got home about 8ish and Brian made cheese and Ham Bagels. I had wanted to watch Flood but I thought it started at 9pm where it actually started at 8pm so we missed the first hour but it turned out it was a 2-parter anyway.

I think we got to bed a bit earlier this time but we still stayed awake talking.

I was up about 8am as I wanted to make sure I was up and ready for my bus home which was 11.20am

It was sad to leave as we had such a great weekend but I had to get back to my children.
It will be Brian's turn to come here next.

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