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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Doctor disappointment

I was debating whether to mention this weeks Doctor Who. I have read many great reviews of it and had people raving about it to me but I am afraid I can't be as enthusiastic.

It was a 2-parter written by Stephen Moffat. Usually this means we are in for a great ride. (Having said that, Girl in the fireplace isn't one of his best either) Stephen Moffat has written my 2 favourite episodes from the New Who series those being The Empty child/Doctor dances and of course Blink.
The first half (Silence in the library) was OK. The scary monsters were flesh eating shadows - The Vashta Nerada - Which were I have to admit quite scary for the kiddies. The episode held up on it's own I guess but I don't like the introduction of River Song who appears to be a future loved one of The Doctor who had a book of spoilers of his future life and who knew his real name.

The second episode just spoilt it for me. There were lots of elements I just didn't get and I got bored of it. Brian said it was sad but I just didn't get it at all. Although something Moffat did again was introduce the wibbly wobbly timey wimey element. The Doctor had to meet River in this episode so that when he meets her again in the future he will know how she dies so he will know to give her his screwdriver with it's little enhancement to keep her alive. Yeah I sort of lost the plot too.

The only part of this story I did kind of like was showing the other side of Donna. She disappears off to this alternate reality and falls in love and gets married and becomes a Mum. We see her as almost a normal likeable person. It was quite sad I guess at the end when she couldn't find her lover but when he saw her his stammer prevented him from calling out. I hope that we get to see them reunited before her demise at the end of this series.

Apparently Brian tells me there is no Donna in the next episode so Whoopie lets hope for some tenacious Doctorness.

Just realised I have no screencaps for this episode...I'll add some later...

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

We,, not necessarily NO Donna but it's definitely Donnalite!

I'm really sad that the episode wasn't that great for you... I loved it, and for once totally understood the timey wimey element!

Mind you, Girl in the Fireplace is my favorite episode from series 2!