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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Birthday sweet Sixteen

So today - Sunday June 15th was the 16th birthday of my dear daughter Billie-Li.

I really wanted to make it special for her so we had a bit of a weekend of it.
Saturday night the family came over for a little party. They arrived about 8.30pm. I hadn't done a full spread this time, just bowls of snacks and Salad. The children brought their own sweeties and drinks.
We put the TV on and watched some of the Euro footie and then after that watched Big Brother. I say watched, we didn't really as we were discussing what had already happened.
As you know I am not really following BB but I know enough about what is going on to be able to chat to my sisters ( who are avid watchers)

Later we brought out the Singstar and I cooked some spicy wedges and garlic bread. Everyone left around 3am although it could have been later but Rob was really drunk - I mean tired and both my niece and nephew had fallen asleep on the chairs.

My nephew stayed over and Sunday morning we all got up early ready to give Bill her presents and cards but she didn't get up until about 11.30am.

Bill was really chuffed with the Converse All stars I bought her. I was chuffed too, what a bargain for £20 at
At 3.40pm Bill's friend Emma arrived and we got a cab up to Pizza hut. I had booked a table for 10 and they had it all ready for us including books and crayons for the little ones. I was well impressed! When everyone else arrived we ordered our food.

For the 4 of us I ordered Salad bowls for starter then I ordered a large Pizza with the cheesy bites. We couldn't quite decide what toppings to have so we had half Hawaiian and half BBQ.

I piled my bowl high with Salad including Sweetcorn, coleslaw, cucumber, tomatoes (So many I almost lost them on the way back to my table) bacon bits & croutons.
The Pizza was gorgeous. The BBQ was very saucy and sticky and you know me - I got it everywhere! We worked it out so we all got equal although I am sure I could have fit a bit more in. Debz and Carl had to take some home. They had the same pizza as us but with Peperoni.

One of the best things about Pizza Hut is the unlimited free refills on soft drinks. Every so often the waiter would come back and ask if we need more drinks and instead of trying to remember who wants what he would just bring the complete order of drinks. Only thing is when you are drinking almost 2 litres of Pepsi each you should be prepared for frequent toilet trips.

For desert the lids were let lose on the Ice cream factory. This is also unlimited trips and there is always a risk of "Eyes too big for the belly" syndrome. You love to fill your bowl to overflowing but when it comes down to it you just can't fit it all in.

When everyone was completely stuffed we paid the bill leaving a very generous tip and went on our way. I made sure I went to the loo before we left but I have to confess I was losing in the taxi home. I think we made it home just in the nick of time and of course then there was a queue...

I think all in all it was a good birthday weekend. Bill seemed happy enough and although I didn't manage to get the Limo to take us there (Well at £345 for a hour I think not!) I think I made it special :-)

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Glad you all had a fab time! Sounds like fun!