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Monday, July 28, 2008

Wot a Flaming weekend

This weekend was Nottingham Pride in the Park. It has come around so quickly.

I got on the bus to Notts in the morning and met with Tim at the lift to Brian's place. Before long we were sipping wine in Bri's front room.

We finally ambled down to Nottingham Arboretum around 12.30 and the place was heaving.

There were stalls selling Gay Pride souvenirs, t-shirts, adult gifts as well as lots of information stalls about health, Community, Notts council, safety etc.
This year I was on a mission to try and collect as much free merchandise as I could.

We made our way down to the beer tent and Tim bought us all a pint. There was the same 2 Drag Queens running the show as last year...In fact they were wearing the exact same dresses.
There seemed to be a lot more people than there was last year too. So much so we couldn't get anywhere near the stage for any of the acts.
We lay on Brian's Pride flag for a while people watching. There were some great looking drag queens and some not so great. Some of these men have perfect bodies and gorgeous long legs. They can wear skimpy little skirts and how the hell they walk in the massive heels I have no idea.

We walked back down the path picking up more freebies and made our way towards the bandstand area where the Abba tribute was to be playing. We missed them completely though and were just in time for the very embarrassing speech by the mayor of Nottingham. He could hardly speak english and he was just reading from a piece of paper, there was no heart or belief in what he was saying at all.

We stayed to watch another Drag act but it was way too hot and there was just nowhere to sit so we made our way to some shade to sit for a while. Brian bought us ice creams as we settled down to watch the world go by some more.

I was quite tickled by a large group of students nearby who were playing truth or dare. Some of the dares were hilarious like go and ask an old guy if they could have a lick of his ice cream and go ask a tranny with huge pink candy floss hair if they could touch it (the hair)

We had another wander around the stalls and headed back to the beer tent but it was just too busy the line seemed to stretch for miles so as time was getting on and we were all hungry we headed back into town.

It had been a fabulous day but I was glad to get back to Bri's and take off my shoes and just lay back and relax.

I did really well on my quest for freebies. I got handfuls of sweeties, 25 pens & pencils, 2 free duffle bags, a couple of car air fresheners, loads of leaflets, a couple of keyrings oh and an alcohol calorie calculator.

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