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Saturday, August 23, 2008

24 hours away from home

Friday morning I was off on the bus again to Nottingham to visit Brian. Unfortunately as I had got to town the heavens opened and the rain just poured down so by the time I got on the bus I was soaked through to the skin.

As I got into Notts Brian rang me to tell me to get off the bus earlier so we could meet for lunch.

Now as you have found we are big fans of the Chinese buffet genre of restaurants so we had to try out the new May Sum that has just opened in the city and compare it to the May Sum here in Derby.

I will be brutal and say I wasn't that impressed. The food was great and there were a few different dishes available but the inside isn't as big. Their chocolate fountain wasn't available and for a while the Ice Cream machine wasn't either but Bri was adamant he was going to wait for it to be fixed. Eventually we did get Ice Cream but there was no Sweets or strawberries or anything else to have with it apart from bottles of sauce so I had Raspberry sauce and Bri had Lime.

When we arrived the place was empty so we sat at a window table but as the place filled up that was deemed to be a bad idea as we became hemmed in. As we are both of the larger persuasion this proved difficult when we wanted to get up to get more food.

Finally when we went to pay the bill was £17 We were both stunned and the cashier informed us that the meal was £6.50 each and the Cokes we had were £2 each.
This isn't great business as right next door is the Big Wok restaurant which charges £4.99 and has twice as many dishes with 2 ice cream machines and the chocolate fountain always on the go.

It was a nice lunch but we won't be going there again.

We did a bit of shopping at tesco and then retired to Bri's flat. It was a really lovely weekend. We sat chatting about all sorts of surreal stuff and then Bri poured us both a glass of Pear Cider with Ice. I was sceptical at first but I really enjoyed it. It was very refreshing. I probably wouldn't buy it for myself but it is nice for a change.

For tea Brian did a lovely light meal of Pizza and Salad, accompanied by a glass of wine and finished off with Lemon meringue pie.

In the evening Tim came over and we sat chatting while drinking red wine and eating Pringles and Mars Planets. It was just a great relaxing evening and It was lovely to see Tim.
After Tim left, Bri caught up with the eviction aftermath on Big Brother and then we turned in.

I was up early Saturday morning as I had slept like a rock. Just in time to see the gorgeous sunrise over Nottingham.

I sat for a couple of hours watching the city wake up and when Brian got up he made us toast and coffee for Breakfast. I think he was eager for us to do something other than just sitting around but I love to just stand at the window and watch the world go by. My visits to Nottingham are all about R&R for me. I just love to stand at Brian's window for hours.

While Brian had his bath, I sat at his computer just playing and sneakily listening to some Alistair Griffin tunes from various websites and Myspace pages.
After Brian got out the bath we finished up the Pringles from last night and had Angel Cake that I had brought with me. Then it was back to the bus station to get me home ready for Kick-off from the Rams...Why did I bother. They were as crap as ever and lost 1-0 yet again!!!

A great 24hours with my best friend and it wasn't nearly enough!

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Aaaah that was lovely to read. I am glad you have as nicer time as I do!