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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Boring Bank Holidays

I hate Bank Holidays. They are sooo Boring and there is never anything on the TV. Not much chance of going out for the day either as public transport runs to a lesser Sunday service and the Train networks always take the Bank holidays for railworks so a lot of services are cancelled.

The weather was OK for a Bank Holiday but with nowhere to go I was stuck on the sofa.

Luckily the Sci Fi channel were running a Doctor Who classic weekend so I ended up spending Monday glued to the TV watching some great classic Doctor Who episodes.

I really enjoyed Ark in Space. This might be because of the wonderful Tom Baker and the fact that Sarah -Jane was definitely my favourite classic companion and I love Harry.
It is about a space-station which has lay dormant for many years with a team of frozen humans which is invaded by some weird race of giant bugs called The Wirrn.

We also watched Revenge of the Cybermen which was set on the same space station as the Ark in Space and had Sarah and Harry in still. Any episodes with the Cybermen are just funny after seeing RTD's recent re-incarnation of the menacing tinmen.

I also managed to finally watch Doctor Who the Movie starring Paul McGann as 8. Then when it was over I wished I had listened to Brian and never bothered. What a waste of a regeneration. They should bring 8 back for a couple of multiple doctor shows. What about the 3 doctors with 5, 8 and 10? or even 4 Doctors with 5, 8, 9 and 10...Nah CE would never come back...

The next classic episode I watched was Logopolis which was Tom Baker's last as he regenerated into 5 Peter Davison. I love this episode. The Doctor had to join forces with the Master but as we guessed he would screw him over in the end. I can see why the fanatic whovians don't like Adrick. I can't remember him at all but I find him annoying after just 5 minutes of the episode. In the opening The Doctor is attempting to correctly land the TARDIS to fill the ths space of an existing Police box. Then we get the bizarre scenario of more TARDIS appearing within the Tardis and losing touch of exactly which dimension we are in.
This episode is where we first meet Tegan and I remember why I loved her. We need a new companion like Tegan.

The last episode I watched was Earthshock and another visit of the Cybermen this time with 5.
This was a great episode as it saw the Demise of Adric and showed Tegan at her best as she goes off to fight the Cybermen and won't take No for an answer. Love the Androids at the beginning too who weren't unlike the Raston Robots.

I still have The 2 Doctors to watch and Caves of Androzan...

Stumble UponStumble it!


Sibri said...

I can't see your pictures, how wierd

Jen said...

They aren't pictures, they are Youtube videos. I can see them...