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Saturday, August 09, 2008

A Great Weekend

Friday morning I intended to get up early as Brian was coming to stay. I didn't get up as early as planned though so had to just hop in the shower in order to give my hair time to dry. This meant I didn't get to clean up as much as I would have liked to do.

About 10.30 am I left the house to go meet Bri off the bus. We planned to meet with his Older sister Debbie and go have lunch at Wokmania. I don't know why I was on a go slow but I just didn't have enough tome to do any shopping before meeting Bri so once he got off the bus I had to drag him round town to do the shopping for tea.
I did get what I needed in good time though and we met up with Deb by the waterfall in Derby Marketplace more or less dead on 12.

I have known Debbie for about 20 years. Brian and I lived with her briefly in 1989 and I spent my wedding night in her house because I'd forgotten to book somewhere to stay. She came all the way to Sheffield to my 21st birthday party, was at my wedding and also my 30th birthday party. However, It is quite some years since I last saw her and her life has changed dramatically in that time. The last time I saw Debbie she was just working as a carer but now she is training to be a minister and will soon have her own parish to watch over.

We walked up to Wokmania and both Bri and Deb seem to be surprised that it was based in the old church. I am sure I have mentioned it several times in the past.

It was a lovely lunch. We chatted and had a laugh as we ate. Sadly the Ice Cream machine was broken though so I had to just have a Strawberry Sponge with my chocolate but I did manage to skewer a few strawberries to sip in the chocolate fountain.

Brian was very pleased about their free unlimited drinks policy.
After we were all suitably fed and watered we left to pay. I had a voucher from out the paper for £2 off each meal which made it a good deal.

We said our goodbyes to Debbie and Brian and I walked back to my house.

It just seemed a really laid back and relaxing weekend.

I think that Brian and I spent way too much time watching which is a music channel on Sky with a difference. All the videos are sent in by viewers of themselves. OK I don't know how to exlain it so go to the website and look for yourself.
Here is a video by one of our favourites
You can find him at He calls him self Ugly girl

Although it seems a sad pastime, it was just so addictive. We did notice that several of the videos shown on the channel were done by the same people so I guess it is just as addictive to make the videos and get them shown on the channel.

In the afternoon Brian and I took a walk to the shop as It is on the street where his Mum and Dad lived when they were first married.
He rang his mum to find out if she remembered what number house it was and she had quite a few memories of the place.

It was really lovely to take a bit of a walk down memory lane with Val's memories.

I cooked the tea about 7pm. DS wasn't around so it was just Me, Bri and Bill. I cooked some gorgeous Gammon steaks with Pineapple, Egg and potato Waffles. For dessert we had Strawberry Cheesecake which in hindsight I should have taken out of the packaging as soon as we got home because it had defrosted in the tinfoil and was all sloppy so it just fell to pieces in my hands.

Of course a break came from Bedroom tv on Friday night as it was Brian's wish to see the Big Brother eviction and interview and then the live stream of the aftermath. I will be honest, I really didn't mind watching it. I do enjoy dipping in and out of the show when I have to.
Brian and I had treated ourselves to a bottle of Baileys and chocolate for the evening while watching all the BB shenanigans.

This morning was awful. Brian planned to leave here around 1.30 but it has been throwing it down since dawn and showed no sign of letting up. We waited (Whilst watching more Bedroomtv) but at 2pm we just had to go for it as I really wanted to get back home for kick-off of the Rams' first match of the new season against Doncaster Rovers.

Thanks for a great c0uple of Days Brian. I only wish it had been longer but I had a great time.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

No problem Jen the pleasure was all mine! I had a fab time!xxx