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Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I have just recovered from what I thought might have been food poisoning but was probably just a tummy bug.

Saturday morning while Brian was here I wasn't feeling too clever and did have the runs early morning but once I had eaten toast that subsided a bit. I didn't feel well in the afternoon though and cut short the evening at Debz because I could feel my stomach churning.

Sunday morning we were planning to go out for the day and I was feeling even more dodgy but as I didn't want to spoil the day I went anyway (Will blog more later)
Sunday night I got home and collapsed on the sofa. You know how it is when you are shivering with cold but burning hot to the touch? I just lay on the sofa under my duvet with no energy whatsoever.

Monday was foul. I was running to the toilet every 10 minutes I won't go into too much gross detail but suffice to say I was just expelling water in the end.

I found some Diocalm in a box and started taking that and it seemed to do the trick. By evening although I still wasn't feeling 100% I could eat some toast without any dire consequences. I was still as thirsty as hell though and still am but no more churning stomaches!

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

Sorry to hear you have been feeling so unwell Jen. Glad you are over the worst and feeling better.