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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A visit to Gulliver's Kingdom

Sunday morning we were up at the crack of dawn to meet Ange Debz and my dear Niece and Nephew at the train station. However it didn't exactly go smoothly. We were just going out the door at 9am when Debz text to say Ange and the kids weren't even up yet. Now I should have gone with my instincts and still left anyway but Debz made it seem like they wouldn't be going after all so we sat around waiting until 9.30 when she rang to say they were just jumping in a cab. OH GREAT! so now we have 20 minutes to get to the station on foot

We legged it and by 955am we were at the station. I was knackered, pouring with sweat and out of breath wishing I had just took the leisurely walk I planned at 9am. It isn't a good start to the day wanting to strangle your sisters.

We got off the train in Matlock Bath at around 10.30 and were amazed to see crowds of scooter enthusiasts. It was fantastic there were Vespas and scooters of all colours and specs. Some real customized bikes that have had lots time and love invested in them. It was a real wonderful morning too. The entrance to Gulliver's Kingdom is right at the end of the North Parade so It was a lovely walk.

One thing that my sisters didn't tell me before we set off was that the park was sited on the side of a huge hill and it was a big climb to get to the front gates. There was handrail Thank Goodness but this was only a view of what was to come.

Once inside the entrance there was a chair lift to the top.

The first ride I went on was the flying carpet after everyone else went on the Dodgems. My stomach was feeling a bit delicate but I thought what harm could it do? It's a kids ride! Well for a kids ride it was brilliant and I really enjoyed it.
Unfortunately I got chucked off the next ride because the belt wouldn't do up on me. I was very embarrassed as I walked off the ride in front of everyone. I had been feeling a little better but I started to feel worse now.

Ange took Abbie on the diggers ride and then we all queued up for the log flume. Bret didn't fit on with me and Bill and so got off. I felt it should have been me that should have got off but Bill said she would ride it again with him. It was only a small log flume but it was still a thriller and we still got soaked. I bought a magnet of the picture of me and Bill on the ride and then I also bought one of Bill and Bret on there. £3.50 for 1 magnet!

Next everyone else got in line for the shootout ride while I had a look in the Old McDonald had a farm attraction and a wander around the Wild West area.
I couldn't believe it when I spotted the Good Ole Bears. I wonder if they are the exact same ones from The American Adventure...

Debz, Bret, Joe & Abbie went into the kids play area while we sat outside but we got swarmed by wasps so we moved on in search of food.

I think I made a bad mistake actually having lunch as my sickly stomach went from bad to worse and all I wanted to do was sit and throw my guts up.
We went to Dixies fish bar for food. The children and I had chicken burger and chips. There was bottled water or pop so I went with the water. I think I would have been better to forget about the burger or chips and just have the water because I was soooo thirsty.

The views from the park were absolutely breath-taking. I couldn't get over how far we could see. I did fel a bit queasy looking down over the town but the view was definitely worth it.

Bret and I found Gulliver and proved he was a giant.

As I couldn't go on the faster rides, I did go on the pedalbike monorail. It was hard work but I really felt like I had achieved something when we came off it. It was enough to make your legs wobble too but we could go as fast or as slow as we wanted.
Everyone then went on the rollercoasters while I sat and watched. Then the Fire Engine ride. This was a fun ride because they go in a firemand lift and squirt water at the burning building. The queue was very long though and I sat watching it for half an hour before my family actually turned up on it.

I can tell you it really is a work out getting round the park because walking down the steep hills is just as hard as walking up them. Once we got to the bottom the Pirate ship was the last ride. It is my all-time favourite thrill ride but I just couldn't take the chance on riding it so I had to sit it out while I watched everyone else having the time of their lives. Luckily they only had 1 ride as it had everyone wobbly on their legs.

We had 1 hour left to go back and revisit anything they missed or wanted to do again. I bought some donuts for Bill and Bret and Joe and Abbie wanted to go play in the sand pit.

As you see, Debz and Bret couldn't resist joining in...

Then it was just time before it closed to get to the top again and get the chair lift down to the bottom.

We had a leisurely walk through Matlock bath and went and sat in the park for a bit before getting the train home.

Unfortuantely once at home my sickness took a turn for the worse and I collapsed onto the sofa. I lay there for the rest of the eveing and through the night under my duvet slipping in and out of consciousness.

I won't be happy now until I get back to Gulliver's and get on that Pirate ship that I was devastated to miss out on.

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

It certainly looks like the same 'Good ole Bears' jen!