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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Griffin Rocks!


The day finally arrived. After 3 long long years in Griffin wilderness It was the day his tour came to the Midlands and I was going to be there - Whatever it took.
Alright it isn't just his tour - He is touring with 2 other Bands

I woke up at about 6am when my alarm went off feeling sick with giant bats flapping around in my stomach and my knees already wobbly. I had a normal day to get through before the madness could begin but after getting Bill and Bret up and out I could stand it no longer and went back to bed. I fell asleep and woke to Jo Whiley sometime later. I just had to get up and get my jobs done and go to town.

I was hoping to get myself a new outfit to premier my new red hair but just couldn't find anything cheap enough so I got the bits from town that the kids needed plus some batteries for Bill's camera so I could take some photos of Al. I have been nicking photos off of for so long it is about time I gave something back.

When I got home it was 2pm and I panicked as I thought I had left myself short of time now. I made myself some cobs (Ham and Tomato) and watched a bit of TV (I know I just said I panicked about time LOL)
I jumped in the shower about 3pm then sorted through my wardrobe to find something half decent to wear (talk about leaving it to the last minute) I chose my smart black trousers and a purple shirt neither of which needed to be ironed (Result)

I had a bit of a crisis at this moment. I know I had had a couple of months to prepare but I was so confident in Trent Barton's buses that I hadn't even checked the times for the late buses. I must have had a bit of intuitive vision because I went on to the site after putting my slap on and found that the last bus is only 11.20pm from Notts. This didn't really give me much time to get from the venue especially if Al was playing last which seemed to be the run of things from the rest of the dates.
I tried to get hold of Bri to ask if I can stay over at his but for some reason his reply went to my old phone so I didn't even know what I was going to do. I packed my nightclothes anyway and gave Bri a ring to check it was OK.

5.30pm and I was on the bus to Notts with my stomach doing all sorts of stuff, my knees shaking and my heart beating 100 to the dozen.

I had bought a couple of bottles of wine to share before we left for the venue but Tim was meeting us there so me and Bri got through the 2 bottles between us and I was already well on my way to steaming as we walked up through Nottingham town centre.

As we approached the club I saw some familiar faces outside. I couldn't remember any names but they knew me too. I asked if they had seen Al yet and they had seen him and Waggo carting equipment inside.

We went into the bar and Brian bought the first round in.
As we sat there I happened to turn round and see Al walking into the bar. He stood right next to our table while he waited to get served but I didn't want to approach him...I wasn't sure if he would remember me as it has been so long. I needed to see recognition in his eyes otherwise I would feel foolish.
However as we sat there, me fully aware that Alistair Griffin was stood about a foot away from me, We chatted about facebook and how I had bought Al on the "Friends for sale" application and how Brian had bought him off me. Brian told me later that Al kept looking at me...almost as if he was hoping to catch me eye to make sure I was who he thought I was.
I am happy in my knowledge that I stayed cool and didn't go all giggly and stupid. And behaved as if I didn't recognise him...(AS IF!)
Al disappeared upstairs with his pint but he appeared again later with Waggo and stood outside. Brian said that even then he kept looking this way. They disappeared to a pub across the way as the doors were opened and everyone made their way upstairs.

The upstairs was tiny and I thought to myself that if this had been the old days of Griffin following then we would have been packed in like sardines.

We stood at the bar which was just at the side of the stage. The place filled up a bit as Paper Heroes took to the stage and they were very good.

As predicted although Al was one of the supporting acts he was to be on stage last at around 10pm so we may as well emerse ourselves in the rest of the bill too.

I was really enjoying Paper Heroes when Bri turned round and told me that Al was stood right behind me...A warm glow went through my body as I was jiggling around to the band.

After their set the members of Paper Heroes were going round the room selling copies of their cd for £2 so I jumped at the chance.

Ivyrise were on next as they were supposed to be the top band you would think they would be on last but they weren't and that suited me as I probably wouldn't have got to see them otherwise.
They played a good set and finished with a cover of Duran Duran's Ordinary world.

Next was the main event for us. I managed to position myself right at the front for good photographing. So much for my slip in the back and try not to be noticed Ideas. When the man is in town I want to be as close to him as I can.

Alistair started with a new track "Plans" which he has debuted on this tour. A lot of the fans have heard it several times before and so know it well but it was a newbie for me and to be honest I think it went over my head a bit.
The next few numbers were well known to me and I really lost myself in them
Is it me, Blown Away, Naked and Silent suicide. I was obviously very drunk by this point as I sent a text to my twitter acount calling it Secret suicide (I also texted the same thing to Maxine for some reason. I apologise Alistair you know I really do know the title)

I really love the fast version of Is it me. It is so much better than the original slowversion although that did go very well with my Skins video.
I just realised that apart from Silent suicide all those songs are one I have used for Skins videos Hmmm

After Silent suicide they said goodbyes and were about to leave the stage when cheers went up for an encore so that is what we got - Somethings going on - This is one of my all time faves so what a great way to end the whole night. It is also the track I used for my Donna video.

As Al and the rest of the boys were packing up the equipment Brian was nudging me towards the stage. He took my camera off me and told me that if I didn't get my picture taken with Alistair tonight I would regret it and be going on about it. He was right. It was June 2004 the last time I had a picture with Al so I was due a new one.

I went over to Alistair and asked very nicely if he would have a photo with me and he dazzled me a big smile and said yes (of course) As he put his arm around me and we posed for the camera that warm glow came back. Brian took ages taking the photo and when he did he said it wasn't very good so he would have to take another one. I felt Alistairs arm pull me closer and the second photo was taken. (Brian told me later that the photo was fine he just wanted to give me more time in Al's arms *SIGH*)

I chatted to Al for a while as Brian went off and left us alone. He thanked me for the DVDs I sent earlier this year and I asked him why he needed them. It seems I was right about the Skins thing. It's a shame it didn't come through though. Hey how clever of me though to use those tracks for Skins clips in the first place. Imagine if Al had gotten one of his songs on Skins and it could have been with my help LOL

My cheeky fan side came out again when Al turned towards the stage. I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face back to mine...Well I have waited 3 long years for this meeting I wanted his undivided atention. He exclaimed that he had to see what they were doing.

I think I told him how awesome he was (If I didn't - AL YOU WERE AWESOME!) and told him that he should come to Derby next. He asked me where and I told him the 2 best live venues in Derby are The Vic and The Flowerpot
I hope he took note and mentions it to the others...

Before I left I asked him for a hug and he was very inviting. It was a damn good hug too, a wonderful memory to leave with (But it was all about the music - Most important)

I tore myself away and said goodbye as Brian and Tim were waiting to leave. I can't even remember how we got back to Brian's but the rest of the night was terrible. Brian went straight to bed as he had to be up early but as I sat at the computer I suddenly felt sick and subsequently spent the whole night leant over the toilet puking up my guts. Not the best way to end an awesome night or the report but it's the best I can do if you want photos.

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