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Friday, September 12, 2008

Kicking back

Thursday I was invited over to Lisa's house to chill out for the afternoon. I bought a nice bunch of Orange flowers on my way to the bus.

When I got off the bus outside the Anglers pub Lisa was there to greet me. I gave her the flowers and she loved them. We walked back up to Lisa's house discussing the demise of public houses since the smoking ban and how there are so many great pubs round Derby with long histories that are now shutting down. Lisa told me there are rumours that this very pub - The Anglers arms - is to be turned into Flats or shops.

We were soon sat down with glasses of wine in hand and setting the world to rights as we do when we get together. Lisa got some old photo albums out of our kids when they were younger. Although the albums also contained some not-so-pretty pictures of me. I had long brown hair and big Deirdre glasses. (Actually Deirdre doesn't wear big glasses like that anymore so the term is rather redundant)

The time seemed to fly by and before long we were both getting hungry. Lisa was originally going to cook a nice Spag Bol but she asked me if I would rather get take away so we set off to the shop.

We got halfway down the street and Lisa said we would have to go back because she felt dizzy. Its just as well really. I said I would nip round to the shop and when I got there the shop was shut anyway.

We gave up on all thoughts of food and walked to the pub for a pint instead...

I couldn't believe how late it was (about 10pm) and instead of using my return bus ticket, Lisa insisted I get a taxi back home.

Before I left Lisa showed me her Tomato plants out in the back garden.

I have always loved Lisa's huge big garden. It is gorgeous and although I am crap at keeping garden I aspire to a garden like this

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