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Sunday, November 02, 2008

They did the monster Mash

Tonight was my Dear Niece's 4th birthday party. As she is a Halloween baby it was Halloween themed and we all had to turn up in costumes.

I didn't really have the cash or to be honest the imagination to really go to town. So I wore A black bin bag covered it with fake spider webs and spiders. Then I got this hat with a veil that had a big spider on the top. I painted my face grey and drew a big spider on my cheek and thought it was all rather ironic considering my hatred of spiders.

This is the photo my sister took of me although it isn't flattering in the slightest...

Debz lodger Rachel did a fantastic job on the decorations. She spent a whole week while Deb was away decorating the whole house with fake cobwebs and posters and pictures and filled the rooms up with banners and balloons. It was like a real haunted house that you would visit at a fairground.

Bill went as a Devil and Bret went as the Grim reaper. No picture of Bill...

Deb certainly did put on a good party. With Pass the parcel for the kids (and Bret) and a bit of Apple Bobbing too

There was going to be fireworks but the torrential rain all night meant they had to be abandoned but we had Hot dogs and Baked potatoes and the kids all had a really great time.

Of all the costumes though I really think that my sister Ange was the best. She was a Vampiress.

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