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Friday, May 01, 2009

Reading the tarot - Spiritual Divination

When I was a reckless teen I bought myself a pack of tarot cards. They came with a book and big sheet with the various spreads on it. I thought it would be a bit of fun just to see if it could work.

I really got into it them and found it quite easy to learn how to read them so that I didn't need the book to tell me the meanings of the cards or indeed their relationships to each other. I started doing readings for friends. In fact these became more and more accurate that more and more people asked me to do readings for them.

After a while I found that the cards were becoming the centre of my life. I was doing a reading every morning before I would even leave the house and if the cards foresaw bad things I wouldn't go out.
I realised how dangerous they had become to me so I stopped. I gave the cards away and moved on.

Recently I have renewed my interest in not only the tarot but Runes and other fortune telling spiritual past-times too.

My first tarot reading for myself was pretty interesting and very close to the mark.
You might remember my old friend Abby off of London, well she asked if I could do her a reading online through Facebook. So I gave it a go.
She sent me her question via Facebook chat and I did the reading while asking her question and looking at photos of her. Once I had finished and sent her my reading of Past, Present and Future, she was shocked that it was spot on.

I think that with more practice and study at reading the cards as a whole I can become as good if not better than I was before.

I also acquired a little set of fortune telling cards from eBay. I thought they would be good as a little bit of fun.

My first reading though was wonderful. I am not going to dwell too much on it suffice to say I am entering the Lottery and Euromillions every week from now on...

My favourite little Divination tool is the Heart and soul Angel cards.

They are beautiful and I like to just sit and look through them. I think this is helping me tune into them as they are becoming a little easier to work with. They are a little different to the tarot as they are more of a way of seeking guidance from the Angels than telling your fortune.
I did myself a reading last night and it was the most interesting I have had and gave me the biggest push I have had in a while.

The last thing I wanted to mention which is something I just realised yesterday.
Even though I have always had vivid dreams (and when I was a teenager taught myself to have more lucid dreams) for the past few years there has been one aspect that has been unpleasant and that is I could not walk in a dream. Instead I would just slide everywhere. In my dreams I would realise this was happening and had to stay by walls and catch hold of lamp posts to keep myself levelled.
However, now I am not speeding everywhere. I am walking properly and my dreams are more lucid and real than ever. I looked up the meaning of sliding in dreams and it means out of control. This figures really as the last few years I have just been dragged along in life not having any control over what happens to me.
Now I am taking control it is showing in my dreams. It makes me happier to know that finally at the age of 39 my life might actually be going somewhere :D

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1 comment:

Sibri said...

You go Jen, it's great to read that you are devloping your gifts again, We MUST spend sometime with the cards and stones etc, when you next come over