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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Debz 30th birthday Meal

On Thursday 29th July My (not so little anymore) sister Deborah turned 30 years old. To celebrate we went for a family meal out at The King's Highway

They do Carvery there so I couldn't resist that with all the trimmings that come with it.

But before that we all decided to have starters. I went for the Philly Mushroomswhich were delicious!

Bret had Garlic Mushrooms and Bill decided she wouldn't have room for dessert if she had starter.

Bill had Gammon steak and Bret had a Rump steak for main. Of course my eyes were much too big for my belly and I was struggling to eat all the gorgeous food on my plate

Of course I did manage to fit in a dessert, Gorgeous Strawberry and White Chocolate Mousse. It was heavenly and very light.

Bret had the Chocolate Indulgence

and Debz had the Chocolate teaser

It was getting on for 10pm by the time we were all finished so we all said our Goodbyes as some of us had to be at work Friday morning.

Posted via email from jembie's posterous

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