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Monday, January 03, 2011

What Santa brought me

Although I am 40 years old I always get excited about Christmas and feel like a little child when I am opening my pressies on Christmas morning. I think I am so lucky as I still get quite a few presents every year from my sisters and Nice and nephew as well as from my adorable children and my lovely friends.

So here's what Santa brought me this year.

These cool slippers were from my children. They are so comfy and warm. I do forget I have them on though when I go outside.

I also received the Take That calendar for 2011 but that is already on the wall showing my Gorgeous Gary for the next 4 weeks.

This is the interesting gift I got from from my Secret Santa at work this year...

I wonder if I mentioned to anyone of my love of VW vans (Even though I don't drive yet) Now it will be fun to save all my spare change. I don't have a clue who my Secret Santa was this year.

Oh and I have just put up my David Tennant calendar in my bedroom so here is the gorgeous January page...

Posted via email from jembie's posterous

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