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Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Day out in Skeggy

The end of my last week off from work (Before I finish next week) I decided I wasn't going to let the rain hold me back anymore so me and Bret headed off to Skegness for the day.

We arrived in Skegness at noon after a really noisy journey. The first train was dominated by a very noisy family of kids in the carriage next to ours and then the 2nd train was full of loud people and kids.Why do people on the phone on trains feel that the whole train wants to hear their conversations?

I was sad to see that they are refurbing and modernising Skegness station. The archway is gone and there is modern glass automatic doors there now. It spoils the experience of the excitement when you first arrive off the train.

I really wanted to sample some Fish and chips by the sea but we were quite hungry so went to KFC for lunch instead. After eating we headed off through the town.


It was your usual Seaside outing of Donuts

Spending all my 2ps in the amusement arcades

I tried a grabber machine for a Giant Chuppa lolly

and for a Giant cuddly cupcake...


...and felt like I was being followed around by Noel Edmonds???


I was disappointed at the prizes in the machines this time around. In fact I only won 2 little keyrings. 1 was a little glass Snoopy and the other a rather sad looking one-eyed voodoo


We had a wonder down the Pier. It was very windy so we didn't make it all the way to the end as I was scared I would be blown off the end and out to Sea.

We had a wander through the amusements on the pier and when we came out the rain was really coming down heavy so we went back inside until it calmed down a bit. I don't think it ever did for the rest of the day. We headed over to the Pleasure beach and went and sat in the bar for a while.

Bret even did some card tricks to pass the time

Once the storm passed over and the rain dulled to a light shower we took a walk around the Pleasure beach.

It was a bit sad as the place was deserted there was only us wandering round and hardly any staff either.

It was getting on for 5pm when we decided to head back to the train. Not before picking up some Skegness fudge though.

Oh yeah, Had to take a pic of the ole Jolly Fisherman

I love this also but never understand why it is there...





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