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Monday, July 04, 2011

Take That Progress live tour - The Main Event

There was a bit of time after Pet shop boys finished to catch our breath and get ready for the Take That boys. There was a lot of activity on stage from Roadies etc...

There was also a last chance to get Merchandise

Then the Nutty Professor appeared onstage again...

There was a countdown and the before you knew it the boys were there on the stage. I could hardly believe it! We had been waiting so long I had got to that point where I thought that was it lol.

It was like 4 different sets. The first set was the Four - Gary, Mark, Howard & Jason. They sang the hits from the last 5 years.

-Rule The World

- Greatest Day

- Hold Up A Light

- Patience

- Shine

Shine was AMAZING! It had a theme of Alice in Wonderland

Then the next set was Robbie as he came hurtling out of the screen into Let me Entertain you

- Let Me Entertain You

- Rock DJ

- Come Undone

- Feel

- Angels

Whilst he sang "Feel", Robbie was suspended above the standing crowd on a platform dangling down and touching hands with them.

I wasn't that impressed with Robbie's set to be honest. There is no need for all the swearing for a start and he is really labouring the point of the break up and the make up. Just get on with it! I will admit I was jumping about and singing to Rock DJ and yes, I was waving my arms and singing along to Angels, oh and I did the Do Da Doos along to Lola.

At the end of Robbie's set he fell back down through the stage and we were treated to a fascinating display of climbing and abseiling.

Then the music started and there they were, All 5 members of Take That standing in the cages right at the top of the stage.

I admit here that I kind of gave in to the emotion of the moment. I am not one of those happy to see Robbie back but 15 years of hurt and it was quite emotional seeing all 5 standing there together in the flesh.

- The Flood


- Underground Machine

- Kidz

- Pretty Things

It was a pretty energetic little set. Lots of running about and jumping around. Kidz was my favourite from this set. It was war of the chess peices. Half way through, they broke off and Howard and Jason had a Dance off while Robbie rapped. That was amazing!!!

Looks like Ive run out of space again...on to Main Event pt2


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