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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Just a huge palava

Today - Thanks to Colin Gibson on Radio Derby - I was reminded that the England U21s are going to be playing against Spain in 1 week here at Pride Park Stadium and I haven't even thought about tickets. Way back at the end of last year when it was announced, my sister asked if we wanted her to get us tickets but now as she has made it perfectly clear she wants nothing more to do with us I guess she hasn't got us tickets after all.

I got onto the DCFC site immediately to make sure there were some left and there I wished I hadn't bothered.

First of all you have to register for the site so I did that. Then you have to wait for confirmation that you are eligible to buy tickets. When you have got that email you then have to apply to be able to buy tickets and then when you get your number and password you can finally purchase game tickets.
Well I still haven't received my confirmation email after 10 hours. So now I am looking at making the trek to Pride Park on Wednesday to buy tickets for Me DD, DS and DD's friend. I am not really that fussed now but I made a promise to them that we could go so I can't break my promise just cos I forgot all about it.

It is a couple of years now since England played here. It is most remembered cos my sister was pregnant at the time and DNiece is now 2.

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