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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Derby til I die!

A couple of weeks ago DS told me he had been awarded 2 tickets for a Rams game. Earned by him for Outstanding leadership. That made me proud enough! I didn't hesitate and said that he and DD could go as she has been desperate to see Derby play for so long.
On Friday DD's friend was also awarded 2 tickets for the game against Hull city. As her mum couldn't go they asked me if I wanted to go. Well I practically bit her hand off.

Saturday morning was a bit of a disappointment as DD got up and told me she had been up all night throwing up and spent most of the time over the toilet bowl. As her bed is a high sleeper it is difficult for her to lie in bed with a bowl so I thought the best thing would be for her to bring her duvet downstairs so she could at least still lie down and get some sleep if she needed and still have the bowl close at hand.
So DS and I had to go to the match without DD. She was very disappointed and her friend was too. It is one of those things that can't be helped though and as if the irony wasn't enough, she is fine today (Sunday)

DS went to meet DD's friend (Who I will call E from now on) and we made our walk through the rain to Pride park stadium.

When we got there I realised I hadn't read the tickets right as I had thought we would be in the North stand which is usually where the free tix are but we were actually in the South/West stand which is right next to the away fans. We had to walk up several flights of stairs just to get to the concourse and by the time we got to the top I was gagging for a drink. Forgive me for having a heart attack at the inflated prices of drinks - £1.70 for a bottle of coke! I can get a 2 litre bottle for 99p at my local supermarket. However we were gagging and so I had to pay the £3.40 for 2 bottles. I would have loved a bar of choccie too but at 90p for a KitKat I changed my mind.
Luckily 1 of E's seats was in the row right in front of ours so we could all sit together.
It was wonderful to soak up the atmosphere in the 20 minutes before kick-off. The Hull fans were in good voice and the banter had already started. I sat trying to work out if I could see Ange and DN across the pitch in the East stand but it was impossible really.

Once the PA announced the team onto the pitch and Steve Bloomer started playing I couldn't help but sing along and although I thought I didn't know the words...It seems when the moment came I did actually know all of them without looking at the program once!

I am no good really at this blow by blow match report thing. I was very excited to say the least because Derby started out like a team that meant it. When you listen to the radio commentary, you have to rely on the commentators to relay everything back to you but unless you are there you don't really know what's going on. Now I saw exactly why we are TOP OF THE LEAGUE. Passing and moving, playing to feet, teamwork, thinking ahead. Playing with a purpose and that purpose to win the game.

When Derby scored on 30 minutes it was from an amazing goal by new signing Gary Teale. Right in front of us and I couldn't have seen it any better. I had forgotten the rush of seeing Derby score for real. I could feel the adrenalin pump through my body instantly. I jumped up screaming and cheering and even found myself doing the dance that goes along with the goal celebration music (The Piranhas - Tom Hark)

Gary Teale is my new favourite player!
I say this not just because he scored or because it was right in front of me but because the way he played showed that when he signed for Derby he meant business. He excited me and I knew that the game wouldn't end there.

Unfortunately, as is often the case, only a few minutes after we scored then Hull city got themselves a free kick and evened up the score.

I really couldn't believe it when on 39 minutes, hoardes of people were heading for the exits. Why would you want to miss7or 8 minutes of the game just for the sake of having to queue for a bit longer? As it is they missed the goal that put Derby back in the lead. A great header at close range from defender Darren Moore. Again I was up out of my seat screaming and cheering and clapping. My voice was already getting hoarse at this time and my hands were red raw from cold and clapping.

The second half, although it started brightly became a bit dull. I became distracted for a little while by the battling among the 2 sets of fans. Not physical battling just vocal. The Sth/East stand attempted a Mexican wave but the rest of the East stand seemed to refuse to carry it on. in the last quarter of the game the 2 teams seem to step it up again. Hull gave as good as they got though and they were awarded with another equaliser. This time injury time could not save us and the game resulted in a draw. Well earned by City I have to say.

As we walked home in the rain from our excited chatter you would have thought that Derby had won the game. I felt for DD as she would have really enjoyed it. She loves watching any game of football and can follow it technically and tactically a lot better than I can.
It's not always about the goals. Being there and seeing the action for myself reminded me that it is also about entertainment and excitement and atmosphere. We didn't win but we are still 6 points ahead of everyone else.

"That's why we're going up.
That's why we're going up
That's why we're going up
That's why we're going up!"

Table updated since Birmingham beat Stoke 1-0 today

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