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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Everyone loves a good wedding

Saturday 3rd February will be a day to remember for 1 very special couple. To most it will have been just another day or 1 more invite but to Lisa and Justin the day will be full of very special memories for the rest of their lives.

To say that by Thursday I had decided I wasn't going to go to the Reception on Saturday evening would probably be unfair to them. My social anxiety problem has been building and building for quite some time. When an event is coming up I can visualize myself at the event but the actual act of leaving the house and making it there is an emotional minefield. So much so that even leaving the house to go to the local shop is sometimes a problem for me these days. It isn't something I have talked about because I know that it is something that most people don't understand. 2 years ago I was going out every other week. Chasing cross country on a train, meeting up with virtual strangers and hanging about in large crowds. Nothing made me happier then. I had conquered my fear and got myself a social life again. I don't know what brought back the fears but now I seem to be back to where I was before.

I got up on saturday morning determined that I was going to this party whatever. Even a big row with DD regarding the wearing of shoes didn't deter me and where I couldn't have just backed down and used it as an excuse not to go, I was stern with her.

Once we arrived in the glorious ballroom that held the reception party I knew I had made it in one piece.

The happy couple themselves looked ravishing. You can tell when 2 people are made for each other. They just glowed. They were so happy and when they were away from each other you could tell that all that mattered to them was where their partner was. I think for them it wouldn't have mattered if no one had arrived.

It was a good evening. DS did his favourite thing and danced the night away. DD played the Nintendo ds with my DNephew and I just enjoyed watching everyone dance. I wasn't quite up to dancing myself but 1 step at a time.

We left around 11ish which seemed to be the time that many were leaving. I was happy that I had stayed for about 3 hours which just flew by. I was also extremely proud of myself and glad that I had been there for there special evening and that I had seen how wonderful they looked and how happy they were. Full of envy of course at their honeymoon in Egypt.

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