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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

TV and the internet are my favourite pass-times

...And for the past 24 hours I have been without them.

Can you believe it? I was sat there watching Waking the dead On Demand and suddenly it went off along with the broadband. I tried all the usual unplugging and plugging back in malarkey but to no avail so I had to phone up NTL and the only time they could get a tech out is the next afternoon. ARGH! what do I do for a whole 24 hours without my tele or internet? I was going to miss all my soaps!

It was quite refreshing actually. It's alright for DD she has all the channels on her freeview so she went and watchjed upstairs when she got home from school.

At tea-time I suggested watching some Dr Who. We watched the CIN ep that we never saw before and then DS asked if we could watch the Impossible planet and The Satan pit. I realised that however many times I watch them, I will never tire of them. After that we watched School reunion and then all the outtakes from the DVD extras.

At 10pm when the kids went to bed I had no idea what to do. Usually I would come on here for a while and catch up on my forums with the TV on WinTv. So I decided to go to bed. I found Charlie Brooker on BBC4 followed by Life on Mars so it wasn't too bad after all.

Today I wasn't sure what to do with myself. I had to wait in for the nice NTL man so I did a bit of housework, went out to the shops, then made myself a drink and settled down to finally watch Casanova (The movie starring Heath Ledger, not the TV show starring DT) Guess what, As soon as I was comfy the phone rang - It was the NTL engineer to say that he was on his way. AND he was early so that would give me the rest of the day clear to do what I wanted.

Nice Mr NTL man was done in a few minutes so after he had gone I sat down and finished off watching the movie (Stopping every now and then to go make homemade veggie soup then eat it)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was without my NTL on Wednesday - no 'phone, tv or broadband! At first it was a bit like having my oxygen supply removed, especially as it was my study day and all my work was stored on the uni's server which of course I couldn't access. But in the end I went retro and hit the books literally old skool stylee - until I remembered my dvd player would still work, and then I watched John Barrowman as a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Nazi in The Producers instead! ;-)
