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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Now I was sitting waiting wishing...

...that contracters would arrive when they said they would.

Today an appointment had been made by Gritish Bas for an engineer to come over and change my Meter for a brand new shiny one. They are meant to be changed eery so often and in all the 12 years I have lived here, It has never even been serviced.

The letter said they could arrive any time between 8am and 8pm so there I was up at 7 and clearing out the junk from the meter cupbord and wondering where to put it all. It was good to have the time to myself to work on my store but you know how it is when you know you can't go out the house, you just get stir crazy.

By 1pm I was starving but I daren't go make myself lunch in case he came while I was just tucking in.
To be honest when 4pm came I kind of thought that was it and I wouldn't be seeing mister Gas Man at all. Then at 5pm I saw the van drive down the street. We are at a dead end so I assumed he was going to turn round then park up outside. Oh no, he drove straight past my house. I ran outside to see if he had parked too far up and he was gone. Not a car or van in sight!!!
Here I have been sat, all day with cabin fever and for nothing. This also means I have to go through it all again. They better not turn up tomorrow as they will be sadly disappointed. I am going to set my alarm in the morning just so as I can ring up and complain. DO you think I can get compo? LOL!!!

By the way, I am still waiting on the contractor to come and finish the garden wall. That will be 3 weeks now!!

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