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Monday, September 12, 2011

September 11th 10 Years on

This is one of those dates that you will always remember what you were doing even if (Like me) you can hardly remember what you did yesterday.

I can remember it so well. I was sitting down with my lunch and switched over to BBC1 to watch Doctors. It wasn't on. There was some news coverage instead. I Cussed a little and then as I was about to switch over the second plane hit. I stood there with my mouth wide open. Shock isn't it. It couldn't have been a movie, Why would they take off Doctors to put on a movie like this at lunchtime?

Then it became clear that this was real. That is New York and what I just saw really did happen. From that minute I was glued to the screen. I didn't eat my lunch it just sat there as I was sobbing away. Soon it was time to go pick up the kids from school. On the TV they said that all the airports in and out of The US had closed and the UK were closing airports in and out too. Then the realisation that we were meant to be flying out on our first family foreign holiday the day after came. We had payed for it so long ago and been looking forward to it for so long.

In the school playground everyone was talking about it but I decided that if there is any chance we get to go on holiday I don't want to scare the kids as it was their first flight in an aeroplane and they were a bit worried about it anyway.

I don't know how I managed it but I didn't let on to the children what had happened at all. I let them watch kids TV channels all night. It wasn't until they had gone to bed that I put Sky News on to catch up on the situation.

The next day Rob had been calling the airport regularly for updates and we were told we could make our way to the airport. The security had been ramped up 1000% The queues were massive as rthey were checking everyone and we weren't allowed to take our hand luggage on. We had to take everything out and put it in clear plastic bags. Joe was just a little baby then and they even checked his buggy and his Nappy!

Once we got to Fuertaventura we calmed down but at the back of my mind I couldn't help but wonder what would happen next. What if it escalates and War starts?? We would be stuck in the Canaries. Which OK would be nice but we would have no money and nowhere to stay!

Every day we bought the English papers and they were full of it. You know what though. My kids never caught on and I told them all about it as soon as we got home 2 weeks later. They said theyd had no idea but they were glad I didn't tell them.

I really can't believe that was 10 years ago but Joe is in Year 6 now so that's where the time has gone...

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