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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Well surprisingly, last night Sky Movies was showing Saw 2. I have got a copy of Saw 3 but haven't tried watching it as I hadn't seen the 2nd yet.

I was truly disappointed. It was nowhere near as good as the first. In fact it seemed like an inferior made for TV movie. Yeah you had your gory moments but It didn't stand up for me at all. Heaven knows how awful the 3rd movie will be.
OK I had to hide my face with the girl in the pit of needles and the other girl with her hands in the glass case but that is the only time I felt it got anywhere near the first movie.

So to Saw 3 and I will give my review of that.

Hopefully it will be like the Elm street series where no 2 was terrible but they brought it back on track with no 3.

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